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Unite Communities

Bridge 1
As a response to the challenges we face together during times of a public health and social justice crisis, we commit to actively sharing music with a wider cross-section of society, transcending the traditional concert hall, aiming to repair, strengthen and unite the communities in which we live.

School of Music students and faculty unite communities through the power of music. Community performances have included: 

  • A Musical Tribute to Richard Greener

In a bridge connecting the university and nation’s present with its past — and a clear-eyed look at racial injustices that are still perpetuated today — UofSC music faculty performed works commissioned for the 2018 unveiling of the Cooper Library statue dedicated to Richard T. Greener, the university’s first African American professor and the first Black graduate of Harvard.  By Valerie Coleman and Jeff Scott, two of the country’s leading African American composers, “Glory” and “A Pioneer’s Opus” celebrate Greener’s life and legacy, setting his own words, original poetry, and Langston Hughes’ “Let American be America Again.”

  • "Love, Joy, Peace”

In 2021, voice students of Dr. Tina Stallard presented a livestream performance dedicated to and benefiting Transitions Homeless Shelter.

  • New Horizons Concert “Informance”

The informance highlighted the musical accomplishments and performances of the ensembles with the Fall 2020 Congaree New Horizons Band program. The groups in this program met online and continue to perform together. The Fall 2020 CNHB ensembles included members from 15 states and one Canadian province. The CNHB program’s vision for Fall 2020 was to bring together as many people as possible while staying safe and distanced. During the informance, each ensemble’s director  highlighted details of each program while members of the groups attenedd the informance through Zoom.

The highlight of the informance was a “live” performance of each group who performed via accompaniment composite recordings that were created through SoundTrap and GarageBand. The CNHB program plans to continue to welcome participation of members and visitors through Zoom even after in-person rehearsals are safe to resume. Meeting and performing with people from all over the world has been a tremendously meaningful silver lining of the current difficult situation.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.