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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

Our People

Albert C. Goodyear, III

Title: Research Affiliate (retired)
Department: Research Division
SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology
Phone: 803-576-6579


Al Goodyear received his B.A. from the University of South Florida, M.A. from the University of Arkansas, and Ph.D. from Arizona State University (1976). His research interests include Paleoindian and other early prehistoric time periods, the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, lithic technology, and geoarchaeology with a special focus on soil science applications. Dr. Goodyear is the Director of the Allendale Paleoindian Expedition, a long-term excavation project in western Allendale County South Carolina focusing on chert quarry utilization during the early Holocene. He is the subject of a recent profile in Mammoth Trumpet (Volume 34, Number 4).

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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