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SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

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Special Projects

The Maritime Research Division has worked in collaboration with a variety of organizations as well as internally with South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology archaeologists. Additionally, the MRD has partnered with a number of avocational researchers and divers for public-based projects around the state.


In 1995, Chris Amer and Johnathan Leader were invited by the Bahamian government to spearhead the recovery and conservation of a Lucayan burial canoe.

Charles Towne Landing

The Division staff worked with Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site staff to survey a section of Old Towne Creek for evidence of archaeological remains.

Gronauer Lock

SCIAA contracted with the state of Indiana in 1998 to conserve a section of a lock from the Wabash and Erie Canal known as Gronauer Lock.

Ogeechee River, GA

In 2005, the MRD assisted the Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Underwater Archaeology Program with a survey of submerged cultural resources pertaining to the American Civil War in the Ogeechee River near Savannah, Georgia.


In 2003, Pilar Luna Erraguerrena, Subdirectora of Subdireccion de Aquelogia Subacuatica for Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH) invited MRD's Christopher Amer and Jim Spirek to train their underwater archaeologists with remote sensing operations.

Rembert Mound

In 1990, the MRD joined the National Park Service to locate the remains of the Rembert Mound and village complex in Elbert County, Georgia.

USC Geology

Beginning in 2002, the Division has collaborated and assisted the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of South Carolina in the study of coastal processes along the South Carolina coastline.

SCIAA Collaborative Projects

The MRD collaborates with other SCIAA archaeologists to assist with any underwater aspects of terrestrial-based projects. These projects include sites from around the state of South Carolina, both prehistoric and historic.

Avocational Projects

South Carolina sport divrs have often gone beyond their initial enjoyment of diving and collecting in South Carolina waterways to a more involved understanding of archaeological sites and artifacts. The Maritime Research Division encourages and assists sport divers in their endeavor to learn more about South Carolina's cultural heritage. 

Site Assessments

The Division is often contacted by members of the public or organizations regarding possible archaeological sites. We conduct site assessments to determine whether or not it is a site and to analyze discovered sites for archaeological potential.

SC Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
