The carousel process for idea generation involves dividing a group into smaller teams and rotating them through different stations, each focused on a specific aspect of the creative task. This is an engaging, hands-on activity that literally gets people moving. It promotes diverse thinking, encourages collaboration, and allows teams to build upon and refine ideas generated by others.
Visual example:
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Step by step:
1. Set up the stations: Set up multiple stations, each focused on a specific aspect of the creative task. A marker and flipchart (or flipchart sheet on the wall) will work. Sticky notes can be used as well. (For example, if the group is working on developing a stakeholder survey, potential prompts for each of four stations could be: possible survey questions, who we should survey, important cautions, best ways to leverage the input. In this way, each station focuses attention on a different aspect.)
2. Create subgroups: Divide the group into smaller teams, and assign each to start at a different station. All teams will go to all the stations, so where people start doesn't really matter.
3. Generate ideas: At each station, teams discuss and generate ideas related to their specific prompt – and write their ideas on the flipchart or sticky notes. (If using sticky notes, stick with one idea per note.)
4. Move on: After a set time, teams rotate to the next station. They read and discuss the ideas generated by the previous team – and build on these ideas and add any new ones.
5. Keep it going: Continue rotating teams through all the stations. The allows everyone to contribute and refine the ideas in a collaborative manner.
6. Consolidate: Reknit as a whole group to share and consolidate the ideas generated at each station. Discuss overlaps and identify common themes. (Option: Teams can end up at their starting station, with the task of consolidating the ideas and then reporting out to the whole group.)
7. Discuss and finalize: Refine and further develop the consolidated ideas. Then aim to prioritize and finalize. Be sure to reach agreement on various points as needed, to ensure that the group moves from idea generation (expanding out) to consolidation (contracting in) to clarity on their go-forward ideas (finalize).
• Set up virtual breakout rooms for rotating topics. |