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Leadership and Service Center

  • Students meet to discuss student organization business in the Leadership and Service Center.

Student Organizations

The Leadership and Service Center has a wealth of resources and services for the more than 600 student organizations that call the University of South Carolina home.

Log in to Garnet Gate to check out the complete student organization directory. The university has more than 600 organizations that focus on academics, sports, dance, games, careers and more. All you need is your University of South Carolina username and password (the same one you use for Blackboard).

Create a New Organization

If you can't find an organization that matches your interest and think it might be an organization other students would enjoy, we can help you through the process of starting a new organization.


Need additional help? Check out some commonly asked questions below:

Use the 25Live reservation system to request use of facilities managed by the Russell House. Get complete details on making a space reservation. If you have questions or need help, call 803-777-7127 or email

The Leadership and Service Center checks officer eligibility. If an officer doesn't meet the requirements he or she will be removed and the organization will be notified.

Only current officers of an organization can update officers in Garnet Gate. To update officers:

  1. Log into Garnet Gate using your student username and password.
  2. Click on the stack at the top left corner next to the Garnet Gate logo.
  3. Under ‘My Organizations’ click on the cog next to the name of the organization and then click ‘Roster’.
  4. Starting with members stepping into new positions, click the pencil icon beside each person’s name and check the box next to the position they’re starting.
  5. For people transitioning out of positions, uncheck the box beside the positions they’re finishing.
  6. Make sure to end your position last so that you can complete the process.

If you need help updating your roster, please email Jamie Ayres, .

Per university policy, only Associated Student Organizations can have University Advisors

If you would like to change or add an advisor and are an ASO please email Jamie Ayres.

While only Associated Student Organizations are required to maintain an active constitution, we encourage all student organizations to have one to outline the general functions of the organization including management of funds, elections, and duties of members. Take a look at our Constitution Guide for help in updating or creating a constitution for your organization!

In order to submit a name change for your organization, you must:

• Vote and have the approval of your student organization for the name change

To change the name of your organization:

  1. Complete the Student Organization Name Change Request Form, and don't forget to include the rationale for the name change.
  2. Update your organization’s constitution with the new name.

Once you’ve submitted your completed materials and request, the Leadership and Service Center will review it and notify you if the change has been accepted or if further information is needed.

Organizations have access to an Outlook account for email if they would like to utilize it. If you are an officer and would like to set up an Outlook email account for your organization or if you’ve forgotten the password please complete this form.

Student Organizational Conduct

To help you make fully informed choices about joining student organizations at the University of South Carolina, we provide a report on organizational conduct violations dating back to 2011.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.