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College of Arts and Sciences

  • A right whale breaches the surface of the ocean.

Journal for kids condenses whale of an article from UofSC researcher

School-age children can read about ground-breaking environmental research on right whales in a new online article by the Science Journal for Kids, thanks to a University of South Carolina professor’s research.   

The online magazine for young students and their teachers has created educational resources based on Erin Meyer-Gutbrod's research on how human-driven climate change is further endangering right whale populations in the Atlantic.  

Science Journal for Kids features peer-reviewed research papers rewritten in age-appropriate language to help kids understand what is going on in the world they will inherit. 

Why it matters: The article “Why Are Whales in Trouble — Again?” simplifies research that Meyer-Gutbrod and her co-authors published last September in the journal Oceanography. Their findings showed that warming waters caused the whales’ prey to move northward. When the whales followed, they faced greater dangers of ship strikes and fishing gear entanglements. 

The Science Journal for Kids resources provide: 

  • Explanations of complex environmental issues 
  • Colorful and engaging audio and visual representations of scientific concepts 
  • Downloadable content that teachers can use in their lesson plans 

Broader impact: The kid-friendly adaptation of Gutbrod’s pioneering research unpacks a lot of new scientific concepts while explaining why it’s important and how people of all ages can help. 

"Engaging students in current research at a young age builds familiarity and trust in the scientific process,” says Meyer-Gutbrod.  

“This is an opportunity for students to learn how research is conducted and may even generate some excitement about pursuing careers in S.T.E.M. fields." 

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