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College of Arts and Sciences

  • Distinguished Professor Brian Benicewicz

Faculty Spotlight: Brian Benicewicz

USC Educational Foundation Distinguished Professor
CoEE Endowed Chair in Polymer Nanocomposites
B.S. Florida Institute of Technology
Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Creating new materials one (very) small step at a time.

Dr. Brian Benicewicz has been at the University of South Carolina since 2008 and holds the Center of Economic Excellence chair in polymer nanocomposite research. He supervises The Benicewicz Group which is comprised of undergraduate students, graduate students, post doctorates and senior staff at the University.

Some students spend a great deal of time trying to navigate their interests, but “most of the people that gravitate to my lab are usually already very science oriented. Some students have an interest early on but as they learn more, they refine their passion and step out of the classwork and get into a lab. They usually find their way there.” The Benicewicz Group collaborates with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Columbia University to study the fundamental behavior of the grafted nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites. Or, in the group’s own words, “We simply enjoy making new materials.” The work that is being done in the Benicewicz lab will further aid in the design of next generation polymers.

The nationally recognized Benicewicz Group is building bridges straight from the lab to the future. They go beyond traditional activities of research groups by forming partnerships with private and public companies in order to bring research to the marketplace. Alumni from the group have enjoyed employment with leaders in industry thanks to their experiences with this advanced research.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.