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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Abstract Image of garnet background with black hexagons with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, September 9, 2021 Edition

Office of Undergraduate Research seeks faculty mentors for two new Magellan programs

The Offices of Undergraduate Research and the Vice President for Research are pleased to announce two new Magellan programs, Magellan Journey and Magellan By Design. This pair of new programs target first- and second-year undergraduate students (eligibility for undergraduate students varies by program), with the intention of getting them involved with research early and retaining them throughout their college career so they can receive the long-term, hands-on research training that will give them an edge in preparing for graduate school. The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking faculty mentors willing to help these young scholars get started with research. Faculty members can learn more about these new programs and sign up to serve as a mentor via the Magellan Journey and Magellan By Design program page.


Office of Research issues call for 2022 Breakthrough award nominations

The Office of the Vice President for Research is seeking nominations for three Breakthrough signature awards: the Breakthrough Leadership in Research award for senior faculty, Breakthrough Stars for early-career faculty and Breakthrough Graduate Scholars for outstanding graduate students. Each of these awards has been carefully designed to recognize and honor scholarly excellence throughout the Carolina research community, providing opportunities for recognition at every career level. All 2022 Breakthrough award nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 15, 2021.


University Libraries Research and Educational Dataset Procurement Program

University Libraries is pleased to invite University of South Carolina – Columbia affiliated researchers and instructors (faculty, staff and graduate students) to apply for a program to purchase datasets for research or teaching. This program aims to fund several small requests in the $1,000 to $5,000 range. Learn more and apply on the University Libraries website. Researchers and instructors at other campuses should check their local resources for funding sources. The deadline to apply is Thursday, March 31, 2022.


Submit feedback for the NSF EPSCoR Envisioning the Future effort

The National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) is beginning a visioning process that will engage with its external stakeholder community to better understand the impacts of its investment strategies and identify new opportunities for increased success. This process provides an opportunity for NSF EPSCoR and its stakeholder community to deeply and collaboratively assess how the NSF program can work most effectively with its jurisdictional partners to achieve their shared goals in the context of the nation’s changing STEM research landscape. To get involved and learn about opportunities to share your input, sign up for the NSF EPSCoR Envisioning the Future email list.


9 September 2021

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.