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Office of the Vice President for Research

    About Caravel

    Caravel is the Office of the Vice President for Research’s online undergraduate research journal, which chronicles student research and creativity. Caravel aims to provide a publication forum for students within the USC system to showcase their research, creative and scholarly works from all disciplines. To best highlight the breadth of student accomplishments, the journal features a variety of publication formats including audio and video files, in addition to traditional research articles and creative writing.

    The journal’s name, Caravel, refers to the type of ship used by Magellan on his famous voyage to circumnavigate the globe. (Christopher Columbus’ Niña and Pinta were also caravels.) The name “Caravel” continues the theme of “Discovery for Every Discipline” associated with undergraduate research at USC, with the emphasis placed on the importance of the research journey rather than the destination.

    Submissions are encouraged from students of all academic years and disciplines on all USC campuses. Submissions are not limited to Magellan program recipients.

    Ready to get started in undergraduate research but not sure if Caravel or another program is the right fit? 

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.