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Office of the Vice President for Research


USC SmartState Centers of Economic Excellence

The University of South Carolina is home to 27 SmartState Centers of Economic Excellence, including 18 that are headquartered at UofSC's Columbia campus, and eight in which UofSC is a supporting research collaborator working with other South Carolina research institutions.

SmartState Centers at the University of South Carolina

Advanced Tissue Biofabrication

This is a collaborative center with MUSC and Clemson.

Advancing Chronic Care Outcomes Through Research and Innovation (ACORN)

As the UofSC arm of the collaborative Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Safety SmartState Center (with MUSC), the Center for Advancing Chronic Care Outcomes through Research and Innovation (ACORN) is led by Dr. Cynthia Corbett and focuses on innovative, multidisciplinary research to improve health and quality of life among people with chronic conditions.

Brain Imaging

Led at USC by Christopher Rorden, SmartState Endowed Chair in Neuroimaging, this is a collaborative center with MUSC.

Cancer Disparities

This is a collaborative center with MUSC and South Carolina State University.

Cancer Drug Discovery

This collaborative center with MUSC is led at USC by SmartState Endowed Chair Mitzi Nagarkatti.

Catalysis for Renewable Fuels

The SmartState Center for Catalysis for Renewable Fuels is led by Endowed Chair John Regalbuto.

Center for Childhood Neurotherapeutics

Led at USC by Jeffrey Twiss, the SmartState Chair in Childhood Neurotherapeutics, this is a collaborative center with MUSC.

Data Analysis, Simulation, Imaging and Visualization (DASIV)

The SmartState Center for Data Analysis, Simulation, Imaging and Visualization strengthens research in bridging theoretical areas like nonlinear approximation and theoretical numerical and applied analysis with mathematical modeling and interdisciplinary applications.

Effectiveness Research in Orthopedics (CERortho)

John Brooks (Health Services Policy and Management) is the SmartState Endowed Chair for the Center for Effectiveness Research in Orthopaedics (CERortho), which conducts research in tissue-engineered materials and implantable devices that will help the thousands of people who suffer from orthopaedic maladies each year.

Center for Environmental Nanoscience and Risk

The SmartState Center for Environmental Nanoscience and Risk is led by Endowed Chair Jamie Lead.

Experimental Nanoscale Physics

The SmartState Center for Experimental Nanoscale Physics, led by Endowed Chair Dr. Rongying Jin, hosts a state-of-the-art shared facility for the design, fabrication, and characterization of nanoscale materials.

General Atomics Center for Development of Transformational Nuclear Technology

The General Atomics Center for the Development of Transformational Nuclear Technology is led by Endowed Chair Theodore Besmann.

Healthcare Quality

The South Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality is committed to engaging in innovative research that will enhance the quality of health for individuals in South Carolina and around the world. The Center for Healthcare Quality's mission is to contribute to advances in healthcare and population health through rigorous research, education, community engagement and policy advocacy.

Innovation + Commercialization

The SmartState Center for Innovation + Commercialization is committed to developing a new generation of forward-thinking innovation professionals ready to navigate the competitive landscape of intensifying technological complexity and drive the ever-accelerating pace of change. This center is led by Endowed Chair Laura B. Cardinal.

Medication Safety Efficacy

This is a collaborative center with MUSC focused on increasing drug safety and effectiveness.

Multifunctional Materials and Structures

The SmartState Center for Multifunctional Materials and Structures focuses on design, manufacturing and assembly technology for hybrid composite structures.

Nuclear Science and Energy

The SmartState Center for Nuclear Science and Energy is led by Endowed Chair Dan Cacuci.

Polymer Nanocomposites

The SmartState Center for Polymer Nanocomposites is led by Endowed Chair Brian Benicewicz.

Regenerative Medicine

Led at USC by Martin Morad, SmartState Endowed Chair for Regenerative Medicine, this is a collaborative center with MUSC and Clemson.


Led at USC by SmartState Endowed Chairs Sue Levkoff and Julius Fridriksson, this is a collaborative center with Clemson University that is focused on fostering independence for senior citizens by emphasizing maintenance of intellectual activity and independent mobility inside and outside the home.

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The SmartState Center for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells is led by Endowed Chair Kevin Huang. 

Strategic Approaches to the Generation of Electricity

The SmartState Center for Strategic Approaches to the Generation of Electricity is led by Endowed Chair Jochen Lauterbach.


Led at USC by Souvik Sen, SmartState Endowed Chair for Clinical Stroke Research, this is a collaborative center with MUSC.

Technology Center to Promote Healthy Lifestyles 

Led at USC by Delia West, SmartState Endowed Chair for Technology Enhancing Healthful Lifestyles, this is a collaborative center with MUSC.

Tourism and Economic Development

Led by Endowed Chari Lori Pennington-Gray, the Richardson Family SmartState Center of Economic Excellence in Tourism and Economic Development is focused on applicable research that directly contributes to the advancement of tourism in South Carolina.

Translational Cancer Therapeutics

Led at USC by Igor Roninson, SmartState Endowed Chair for Translational Cancer Therapeutics, this is a collaborative center with MUSC.

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