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Office of the Vice President for Research

    IT and Data Management

    The Office of IT and Data Management (ITDM) is responsible for reporting extramural proposal submissions and award funding for the University of South Carolina and System Campuses. ITDM administers USCeRA, the university's electronic research administration system developed by the Office of the Vice President for Research. USCeRA modules integrate and simplify the research administration process, allowing researchers to spend more time in their labs.

    • Proposal Routing/Approval Module
    • Sponsored Awards Received and Submitted Module
    • Faculty Expertise and Honors Database
    • Internal Grant and Initiative Programs Routing/Approval and Committee Review Module
    • Proposal Routing/Approval Compliance Review Module
    • Proposal Safety Committee Routing/Approval Review Module
    • Professional Activity and Financial Interest Routing/Approval Reporting System
    • Staff Conflict of Interest and Outside Employment Routing/Approval Disclosures

    ITDM is a unit within the Office of the Vice President for Research. Our role is to bring the UofSC research community together through enhancing technology.


    Awards & Reporting

    5 Year Trends

    Award trends, source, purpose and more 5 year trends[pdf].

    Award Reports

    Detailed access of funding history by month, division, unit, PI and more.


    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
