Search and filter the data below to find specific models of equipment available in
USC’s various research cores. Hidden fields are included for Core name, College and
functionality state (fully functional, partially functional, non functional, on repair).
Instrument Name | Model | Manufacturer | Production year |
10X Chromium Controller | Chromium Controller | 10x Genomics | 2019 |
2100 Bioanalyzer | G2938C | Agilent | 2004 |
300 MHz NMR Spectrometer | AM | Bruker | 1986 |
3730 DNA Analyzer (48) | 3730 (48) | Hitachi /ThermoFisher | 2006 |
3B22 Crush Strength Analyzer | LF Plus | Lloyd Instruments | 2007 |
3B22 Mass Spec - (Pump Station) - [on loan, Josh Gray] | Pfeiffer | 2010 | |
3B22 Mass Spec - (RGA) - [on loan, Josh Gray] | SRS w/vacuum | SRS | 2010 |
3B22 Pulse Chemisorption/TPx-TCD #2 | Autochem II 2920 | Micromeritics | 2006 |
3B22 TPx-MS - (Manifold Flow System), furnace | Brooks | 2016 | |
3B22 TPx-MS - (Pump Station) | Hi Cube 80 ECO | Pfeiffer | 2016 |
3B22 TPx-MS - (RGA) | Transpector 2 | Inficon | 2008 |
3B40 Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer | Miniflex II | Rigaku | 2000 |
3B40 In-situ X-ray Diffractometer | Smartlab SE | Rigaku | 2018 |
3B40 Mass Spec - (Pump Station) | TSU 071 E | Pfeiffer | 2008 |
3B40 Mass Spec - (RGA) | Transpector 2 | Inficon | 2008 |
3B40 Mercury Porosimeter | Autopore IV 9500 | Micromeritics | 2000 |
3B40 Si strip detector for benchtop XRD | D/tex Ultra | Rigaku | 2015 |
3B40 X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscope | XDAL | Fischer | 2000 |
3B41 AAS | Aanalyst 400 | Perkin Elmer | 2010 |
3B41 ICP-OES | Avio 200 | Perkin Elmer | 2018 |
3B41 Physisorption/Static Chemisorption | ASAP 2020 Plus | Micromeritics | 2018 |
3B41 Pulse Chemisorption/TPx-TCD #1 | Autochem II 2920 | Micromeritics | 2018 |
3B41 UV-Vis | UV 1800 | Shimadzu | |
400 MHZ Spectrometer B | DRX | Bruker | 1996 |
400 MHz Spectromter A | WH | Bruker | 1984 |
Showing 1 to 25 of 141 entries