Committee Members
Marchetta Williams, Human Resources, Co-Chair
Adrienne Cataldo, Athletics, Co-Chair
Keith Britton, Admission Service,
Sher Chhetri, Mathematics,
Pearl Fernandez, Biology,
Gowoon Choi, Biology,
Sami Varjosaari, Chemistry,
Lisa Rosdail, Opportunity Scholars Program and Upward Bound,
Kristopher Weissmann, Student Life and eSports,
AOE Charter
Provide a mechanism for receiving feedback about campus climate and culture as it relates to AOE;
Identify AOE strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities within all aspects of campus life, including academic programs, campus organizations and activities, departmental policies and practices, campus publications, etc.;
Distinguish ways in which campus culture excludes in areas such as recruitment and retention of faculty, staff, and students, advancement, training, assignment of duties, etc.;
Develop and recommend strategies and plans to improve opportunity in all areas;
Promote AOE through a variety of mechanisms, including events, trainings, workshops, community conversations, and social gatherings;
Examine, assess, reassess AOE efforts on campus and recommend plans, strategies, and modifications to the campus administration for continued improvement;
Document and broadly celebrate successes with leadership, faculty, staff, students, and the broader community;
Guide the Student AOE Committee and host AOE student forums; and
Regularly consult with and solicit advice from Admissions, Athletics, Disability Services, Human Resources, the Opportunity Scholars Program, Shaw AFB Programs, and Student Life.
The membership will serve overlapping two-year terms beginning May 1 and consist of:
Four full-time faculty members chosen by the Faculty Organization Chair and the Palmetto College Campus Dean and
Five staff members chosen by the Chief Student Services Officer and the Palmetto College Campus Dean
AOE will:
Elect a chair by May 15;
Meet at least four times a year;
Keep minutes of each meeting (taken by a rotating secretary and approved by the committee by the next meeting);
Conduct an annual survey of faculty, staff, and students;
Maintain a web page to communicate with the campus community AOE initiatives and events as well as solicit input from the community;
Host at least one annual student forum;
Recommend to the administration actions based on input each semester; and
Review its charter at least once a year.
The chair will:
Call and preside over meetings;
Circulate an agenda at least one week prior to each meeting;
Act as the advisor to the Student AOE Committee;
Sit on the Palmetto College Campuses AOE Committee; and
Appoint any replacement for any vacancy that arises on the committee.