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My USC Sumter

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Below is the USC Sumter Code of Conduct & Policies regarding Drugs & Alcohol.

Unauthorized Use or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages

USC Sumter clearly prohibits the unauthorized and/or unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages by students or employees on and off University property or at any University activity. Including but not limited to: 

  • Possession or consumption of alcohol by a person under the age of 21 
  • False or altered identification 
  • Alcohol paraphernalia or consumption on and off university property (open containers in possession of person, vehicle, property, social media, etc.) 
  • Providing alcohol to individuals under the age of 21 
  • Violating the Student Code of Conduct or State and Federal laws while under the influence 
Use, Possession, or Distribution of Narcotics or Illegal Drugs

Violations include unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs (for example, marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, barbiturates, opiates, hallucinogens, etc.) by students or employees on or off campus. Students charged with drug-related offenses off campus must report the incident to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs within three class days.

Alcohol Policy

Alcoholic beverages may be served at events sponsored by USC Sumter on or off campus. No one will be served or allowed to consume alcoholic beverages who is under the age of twenty- one (21) or who appears to be intoxicated. 

The Student Government Association of the University of South Carolina Sumter will determine the alcohol policy for USC Sumter student sponsored events, subject to approval by the Regional Campus Dean. Current policy prohibits the distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages at student activities and programs. 

Non-USC Sumter groups/organizations authorized by proper authority to use USC Sumter facilities may serve alcoholic beverages at specified events upon securing permission from the appropriate University official. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring individual or organization to ensure that the policies of the University of South Carolina and USC Sumter, and the laws of the State of South Carolina are enforced and complied with at events where alcoholic beverages are served and/or consumed. 

Drug and Alcohol Dependence

University counseling for drug and alcohol dependence is available for students by referral for on-campus counseling or at local off-campus support facilities.

Referral Contacts

Kris Weissmann
Director of Student Life  

Savannah Williams
Coordinator of Disability Services  

Ray McManus
Executive Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs 