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My USC Sumter


    The Registrar’s office continuously provides academic counseling for the university that include: student data stewardship, university and course related information pertaining to academics, and provide support for student registration processes. We support the mission of the University through prompt and quality service in a student-driven environment.

    Services and Resources

    Transcript and Records 

    As the holder of student records, the Office of Records and Advisement is your resource for important tasks such as ordering transcripts, verifying your degree and enrollment, and ensuring confidentiality and student rights related to your educational record. Two of the most common academic services provided by the registrar are grade reporting and transcript services.

    Advising and Registration

    Learn about the advising and registration process step by step.

    Final Exams

    You already know you’ll experience a library’s-worth of tests during college. What you may not realize is that you’ll see a wide variety of test types. During your regular course, expect to see multiple choice, essay, cumulative and demonstration exams. You’ll also likely experience tests that are designed to measure progress at specific points of the term — like midterms and finals. They’ll happen in your regular classroom unless otherwise specified.

    The final exam schedule is for standard meeting time classes. If your class is not listed, please contact your instructor.

    Academic Bulletin

    The Academic Bulletin provides students and faculty with information regarding the curriculum. It contains course descriptions and degree requirements.

    Graduation and Commencement

    Graduation and Commencement are two related, yet distinctly different steps in your final journey at the University. You must apply to graduate in order to have your degree notated on your transcript and receive a diploma. You may also choose to attend your commencement ceremony in either Fall or Spring each year. 


    Complete the online graduation application in Self Service Carolina. The Apply to Graduate link is located under the Student tab in the bottom right corner of the page. During the application process, you will be asked to verify your program, name, and diploma mailing address. Students expecting to graduate should apply early, based upon your campus or academic unit deadlines.


    Student Forms

    Visit our student forms page for the most commonly requested forms that a student may use at some point during their time at USC Sumter. These and other forms can also be found in the Records and Advisement Office. All forms should be submitted to the Records and Advisement Office in the Williams-Brice-Edwards Administration Building.  If you have questions, contact the Records Office (803-938-3761).