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My USC Sumter

Register With OSDS

Students who have been accepted to the university and require disability-related accommodations must also submit an application with the Student Disability Resource Center for the coordination and approval of your accommodations.  

The Registration Process Can Be Complex and Lengthy, Start Now:

  1. Print a copy of the Documentation Guidelines for YOUR disability. Give the guidelines to your appropriate medical provider.  The guidelines will assist the provider in writing your documentation. Once you have all of your documentation, you will attach it to the application in the next step.   
    What does “documentation” mean?  It is very important that you view our Documentation Guidelines and print them for your medical provider. Many students assume that “documentation” means medical records, but it does not. Documentation usually consists of a medical doctor’s letter and/or a psychoeducational evaluation, but may vary by category of disability.  

  2. Complete the online Student Application for Disability Services Form. Make sure to attach all of your supporting documentation to this application before submitting. An application that is submitted with no supporting documentation will NOT be processed.   Important: When filling out the application, please select "Yes" for the question, "Are you enrolled in Palmetto College?" Then select Sumter as the campus that you attend.

  3. Upon submission, your application will be sent to the Disability Services offices on both the Columbia and Sumter campuses. The application and documentation will be reviewed and if approved, accommodations will be assigned based on your disability.

  4.  Once accommodations are assigned, a letter will be sent out to your professors each semester identifying the accommodations you will receive. It is YOUR responsibility to work with your professor regarding these accommodations.