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Marilyn Seabrooks Myrdal

The residents of Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton, Jasper, Beaufort and Hampton counties deserves no less.  A coordinated, well-thought out, comprehensive and engaging visionary action plan that would serve to ensure the community in which they live, work and do business, thrives, is paramount.  And I want to be a part of the focused leadership that together with community stakeholders will bring to bear the necessary hard work required to get it done.  All too often residents are not at the table, during such important discussions.  Thus, their essential input is of no regard as perception regarding skills and capacity to add value is not fully explored.  Residents feel unempowered to collectively raise their voices in protecting the community and bringing about accountability.  I strongly believe that it is in our own best interest to promote small towns and the importance of their viability and productivity, as they are the bedrock of transferable generational traits from one generation to the next throughout society.
