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Office of Sponsored Awards Management

Publication Costs

Investigators may include the costs associated with documenting, preparing, publishing, disseminating and sharing their sponsored research findings in federal proposal budgets. This includes costs associated with sharing research findings in journals or other publications, posters and/or presentations. The publication costs of a book are typically not allowed. Review sponsor policies and guidelines closely before including book publication costs in the budget. If publication costs associated with a book are going to be included in a proposal, ensure that the budget and budget justification clearly identify the book publication costs and justify the need for such costs so that they can be approved by the sponsor at time of award.


Incorporating Publication Costs into Your Budget

If you are creating a proposal for a new project, you may want to delay publication costs until the later budget periods, after you have obtained data to share.

Office of Sponsored Awards Management

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
