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Office of the Vice President for Research

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Weekly Research Update: Thursday, February 8, 2024

2024 Arnold Aging Lecture hosted by the Arnold School of Public Health

The 2024 Arnold Aging Lecture will be presented by Dr. Crystal M. Glover on Equitable Study Design in Aging and Dementia Research: Purpose, Process, and Outcomes. Dr. Glover is an applied social psychologist, mixed methodologist and health equity and aging researcher at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (and) Neurological Sciences in Rush Medical College. The lecture will take place on Thursday, March 14 at 10 a.m. at the Pastides Alumni Center, in the Presidential Dining Room. Please register ahead of time for this free event here.


A COR Conversation: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot

The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities’ Council on Research will host an online session on the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot, launched this January by the U.S. National Science Foundation in collaboration with 10 other federal agencies and 25 private sector, nonprofit, and philanthropic organizations. The guest speaker, Katie Antypas, Director of the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure at NSF, will discuss how this initiative is set to catalyze innovative AI research and empower U.S.-based researchers and educators with access to advanced computing, datasets, models, software, training and contribute to the development of the full NAIRR ecosystem. The event will take place on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 2:00-3:30 p.m. (EST) on Zoom. Please register ahead of time via this form


Love Data with University Libraries

Love Data Week is an annual, themed celebration of data, with data-related programming delivered by academic libraries in the United States and beyond during the week of Valentine’s Day. This year, Love Data Week takes place February 12-16. Please join University Libraries for a week of learning opportunities and events. Visit the Love Data Week 2024 webpage for descriptions, dates and times, and registration links. 


Discover USC 2024: Registration is open now!

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Discover USC showcases innovative projects produced by students, postdoctoral and medical scholars from across the USC system. Work presented at Discover USC spans disciplines to represent the diversity of scholarship at South Carolina’s flagship university. This year, Discover USC will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. The USC community is invited to attend Discover USC and learn firsthand about current research and scholarship from hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students, medical scholars and postdocs. Registration is now open. Please follow the links below to register:


The Controller’s Office offers refresher training for Principal Investigators

These trainings help Principal Investigators on research grants and sponsored awards across the USC research community stay up to date on responsibilities and policies relating a to their duties. The USC Controller’s Office will offer a web-based training session on Using Faculty Reports in Finance Intranet for PIs on Monday, March 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Register here. 


NIH F31 fellowships for graduate students — panel, Q&A and support

National Fellowships and Scholar Programs invites you to learn more about NIH F31 fellowships at a live drop-in Q&A and feedback session with current NIH graduate fellows. These fellowships provide up to a five-year stipend for current doctoral students in biomedical, behavioral, and clinical health science fields—along with opportunities for mentorship and independent research through the NIH. The drop-in will take place on Wednesday, February 28 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Russell House 304, please register here to attend. For more information about fellowships for graduate students, click here or email Matt Klopfsenstein ( 


Faculty: Encourage your undergraduate students to pursue Graduation with Leadership Distinction in Research

Graduation with Leadership Distinction (GLD) is an academic recognition for undergraduate students at the Columbia and Palmetto College campuses acknowledging students’ achievements within and beyond the classroom. Students engaging in undergraduate research at the associate or bachelor’s degree levels can pursue GLD in Research, which requires them to complete one to two semesters of undergraduate research (paid, volunteer, or for course credit), two to three enhancement activities, three to six credit hours of related coursework, a public presentation (often at Discover USC), and a reflective ePortfolio. Specific requirements and deadlines for each degree level and GLD pathway can be found at the GLD site linked above. Encourage your students to make an appointment with the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning (CIEL) to learn more about GLD and begin the application process. Contact Lauren Epps at if you are interested in scheduling a presentation on GLD in Research.


8 February 2024

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.