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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, April 16, 2020

Like so many members of the dedicated University of South Carolina research community, the Office of the Vice President for Research is still hard at work supporting vital functions and making sure our colleagues and students have what they need to be successful as we adjust to a new normal of remote study. Though we are now spread out away from campus, we recognize how important it is to keep in touch and provide a central hub where undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral and medical scholars, research faculty and administrators, and others, can find the latest research news and resources. To facilitate this connection, the Office of the Vice President is pleased to launch the Weekly Research Update, distributed each Thursday via newsletter, the RESDEV Listserv and our website.


Planning for the future

Researchers at all levels of the university are wondering when campuses will resume normal research activities. While that remains an open question, the Office of the Vice President for Research is taking part in the new Future Planning Group (FPG), formed recently by President Caslen, to help the university form a safe and sustainable reopening plan. Tommy Coggins, Director of Sponsored Awards Management is representing research interests on the FPG’s Academics and Research Committee, which is headed by Vice Provost Sandra Kelly. We will keep you informed as the FPG develops guidelines and reopening dates. If you have research-related questions or suggestions for the FPG, please reach out to Tommy Coggins at


Remote research resources for students and faculty


Free online workshop: Data Management Plans and DMPTool

At 1:00 p.m., on Thursday, April 23, UofSC Libraries will host a Zoom workshop on Data Management Plans (DMPs). Through this free workshop, UofSC faculty, staff and students will get hands-on experience using DMPTool, an online wizard for creating DMPs that meet specific funder requirements. Complete details and registration are available here.


2020 undergraduate summer research programs and events canceled

In accordance with campus closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of the Vice President for Research has canceled all in-person summer 2020 research experiences for undergraduate students. If feasible, and if approved by the funding program director and/or PI, mentors and students are encouraged to move research projects to an online format. Read more.


16 April 2020

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.