College of Social Work
Population-Based Research
Population-based research slides by Katrina Walsemann
A population-based approach to ADRD is crucial to understanding the role that sociocultural,
behavioral, and environmental determinants play in the production and maintenance
of ADRD disparities. Population-based research uses probability samples, such as HRS,
that can be used to make inferences to populations of interest. The most important
aspect of population-based research is external validity. Moreover, this approach
emphasizes effective data management, analysis, and interpretation of theoretically
informed research questions pertinent to ADRD. Population-based research is supported
by the Analysis Core via the Biostatistics Unit (BSU) and the Population Science Unit
For more information on the BSU, please contact the Analysis Core Co-Lead Dr. James
Hardin (
For more information on the PSU, please contact the Analysis Core Co-Lead Dr. Katrina
M. Walsemann (