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College of Social Work

Population-Based Research

Population-based research slides by Katrina Walsemann

A population-based approach to ADRD is crucial to understanding the role that sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental determinants play in the production and maintenance of ADRD disparities. Population-based research uses probability samples, such as HRS, that can be used to make inferences to populations of interest. The most important aspect of population-based research is external validity. Moreover, this approach emphasizes effective data management, analysis, and interpretation of theoretically informed research questions pertinent to ADRD. Population-based research is supported by the Analysis Core via the Biostatistics Unit (BSU) and the Population Science Unit (PSU).


For more information on the BSU, please contact the Analysis Core Co-Lead Dr. James Hardin (

For more information on the PSU, please contact the Analysis Core Co-Lead Dr. Katrina M. Walsemann (

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