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JOUR 597: Internship in Mass Communications

Want to enroll in the JOUR 597: Internship in Mass Communications course? Not sure how to get started? We are here to help! 

Does my internship count for credit?

  • Must work 140 hours over the course of their selected term at the same organization.
  • Receive an internship offer within their field of study (related to their major), with minimal administrative duties (should be at least 80% communications work and no more than 20% administrative work).
  • Must be approved by course instructor with consent of Sequence Chair and Dean’s Office prior to registration.
  • Should be assigned professional supervisor ideally in communications fields
  • All employer requirements can be found on the Information for Employers page. Feel free to forward this link to your employer.

Apply here

  • Submit  Internship Contract  to be considered for academic credit (JOUR 597) by the deadline.
  • Internship Instructor or Career Services Manager will review (may take up to one-two weeks)* You CAN NOT register for this course without an override
  • If your internship is approved, you will receive override and registration instructions.
  • Register for class via
  • Pay course fees before tuition payment deadline.

Required Documents

  • Copy of student's resume,
  • Proof of internship offer letter from supervisor or Human Resources (a letter or email),
  • Job description detailing intern's expected work responsibilities and demonstrating the internship will consist of professional-level tasks in the student's field of study.
  • Supervisor Signature Page
    Please share this form with your supervisor to be signed electronically and upload a signed copy into the JOUR 396 Internship Contract linked above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I register for this course?

Students must receive an override from Career Services before registering for the course. To be considered for an override, please complete the Internship Contract and a member of the Career Services team will be in touch with you shortly.

I completed an internship in a previous semester. Can this count for credit?

No, you must complete the internship while  enrolled in this course. Credit cannot be rewarded retroactively.

I have a paid internship. Can that count for credit?

Yes. We do not require internships to be paid or unpaid to be considered for credit.

How many credits can I earn for this course?

 3 credit hours.

I am an SJMC Minor. Can I complete an internship for credit?

While we encourage all students to pursue internship experience while in college, SJMC minors cannot take JOUR 396 in order to receive credit for journalism or mass communications internships.

What are the assignments for the course?

This course is Pass/Fail and all assignments must be completed to pass. The class does not meet weekly in Fall and Spring and is conducted primarily though Blackboard. Assignments include weekly journals, mid-semester evaluation, interview with supervisor, and end-of-semester evaluation. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.