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For Faculty

Faculty Search Procedures

­­­Date: September 10, 2024

Faculty hiring is among the most important tasks we undertake to fulfill our teaching, research and service missions. As such, the CIC adheres to ACAF 1.00 the same as other USC colleges across campus while also utilizing best practices for faculty hiring.

Faculty express needs—whether teaching, research or both—to their directors. The directors consult with the dean who makes the final decision on the scope and structure of the search. Alternately, directors can advocate directly to the dean to fill identified gaps, and the dean can identify a need for hires to match strategic direction.

Faculty search committees: 
Typically, directors consult with faculty to recommend search committee members depending on availability and nature of the position. Recommendations for search committee members should be submitted by the director via the JotForm. Final composition is typically made in consultation between the director and the dean, and corresponding university policy. College HR to provide additional details.

Committee is charged by the dean at the first search committee meeting.

Typical Functions of Search committees:
Provide input on position description and requirements to be advertised, actively recruit, field questions and inquires, review files, and make recommendations for both semi-finalists and finalists.

Search chair shares recommended list of semi-finalists (identifying applicants as acceptable or unacceptable and listing strengths and weaknesses) with the director, who discusses with the dean for final approval. Once viable candidates are approved, preliminary interviews are conducted.

**Letters of reference should be solicited and reviewed before finalist recommendations are made.

Finalists for campus visits:
Again, once semi-finalists have been interviewed, the committee confers and shares with the director their recommendations (identifying applicants as acceptable or unacceptable and listing strengths and weaknesses), who discusses with the dean for final approval of finalists for campus visits.

Once the finalists have been approved and agree to come to campus, faculty are alerted and encouraged to be present and fully participate in campus visits. The search committee solicits feedback from faculty, staff and students about the candidates. This feedback is typically via a feedback form that, at minimum, solicits strengths and weaknesses for each finalist as well as an indication of acceptability.

**Verbal reference checks should be conducted and reviewed by the committee once candidates agree to come to campus.

Given feedback from the faculty as well as the search committee’s assessment of the finalists, it will recommend to the dean candidates as either acceptable or unacceptable along with strengths and weaknesses for each candidate—without any ranking. Typically, these findings are discussed between the dean and director before a hiring decision is made.

Searches are confidential and all conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

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