Updated: February 24, 2022
All Tenured, Tenure Track, and Professional faculty members must comply with the faculty workloads indicated in their appointment letters unless a change has been approved by the Dean’s Office.
The Dean’s Office will evaluate curricular plans, enrollment, and faculty workload assignments during the annual planning process to ensure faculty members are meeting College and School obligations.
Directors are responsible for ensuring that faculty meet their workload expectations as indicated in their appointment. Any modifications to faculty workloads (e.g., sabbaticals, other leave agreements) must be submitted to the Deans Office for review and approval before changes are allocated.
Course Reduction Process
If course loads indicated in faculty contracts are not being met, a course reduction request is required.
Submit course reduction request»
- Requests for spring are submitted no later than Sept. 15.
- Requests for fall are submitted no later than Jan. 15.
“Course Reduction Request” is required, if:
- Grant course buyout
- Serving in an administrative role if contract does not specify term of reduction
- Special assignment/project approved by your supervisor that is not documented in your contract
- New faculty course release
“Course Reduction Request” is not required, if:
- Sabbatical request has been submitted/approved
- Modified duties request has been submitted/approved
- FMLA request has been submitted/approved
If you have questions on other situations that may apply, please contact Rachel Rolli (rachelrolli@sc.edu)