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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty and Staff Directory

Amelia (Amy) S. Taylor-Perry

Title: Professional Track Faculty - Senior Instructor / Lab Coordinator / Freshman Chemistry / General Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 803-777-1540
Fax: 803-777-9521

Science and Technology (STB) 329

Resources: CV [pdf]
Amy Taylor-Perry


B.S., 2004, University of South Carolina - Aiken
Ph.D., 2012, University of South Carolina - Columbia

Honors and Awards

Garnet Apple Award for Teaching Innovations, 2022; USC College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2018; Two Thumbs Up Award 2016, 2018-2021; Dodie Anderson Academic Enrichment Center Faculty Recognition, 2014, 2016-2018.

Teaching Interests

General Chemistry, General Chemistry Labs, Honors Freshman Chemistry, Development of new lab experiences for freshman students, Science for non-science majors, Intersection of daily life with chemistry, Lab technique


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.