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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Undergraduate Student Achievements Honored

Each year, undergraduate students are recognized for their achievements. The following students received Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Awards during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Hiram and Lawanda Allen Scholarship for Excellence in Chemistry  

The Hiram and Lawanda Allen Scholarship is a full scholarship awarded to a rising senior intensive major or biochemistry major with 75 semester hours completed prior to this semester graduating in the 2022-2023 academic year, physical chemistry or all prerequisites completed, a GPA of 3.5 or better and outstanding lab proficiency demonstrated by chemical research participation that is relevant to the chemical industry. This award is funded by Mr. and Mrs. Hiram S. Allen.

View Hiram and Lawanda Allen Scholarship for Excellence in Chemistry Recipient » 

Tommy L. and Fred E. Hickman III Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded to a worthy student majoring in chemistry or biochemistry in good standing with demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to underrepresented groups to promote diversity among the student body. This scholarship is supported by a gift from Tommy L. and Fred E. Hickman III. 

View Tommy L. and Fred E. Hickman III Scholarship Recipient »

Victor Laurie Junior Year Scholarship 

The Victor Laurie Junior Year Scholarship is awarded to a rising junior. The student must have completed 48 semester hours prior to this semester with a GPA of 3.50 or higher graduating in the 2024-2025 academic year and participated in undergraduate research. The award is based on faculty recommendation and is supported by a gift from Dr. Victor Laurie and his wife, Donna. 

View Victor Laurie Junior Year Scholarship Recipient »

Victor Laurie Senior Year Scholarship 

The Victor Laurie Senior Year Scholarship is awarded to a rising senior with 75 semester hours completed prior to this semester graduating in the 2023-2024 academic year, with a GPA of 3.50 or higher. The student must have completed physical chemistry and participated in undergraduate research. The award is based on faculty recommendation and is supported by a gift from Dr. Victor Laurie and his wife, Donna. 

View Victor Laurie Senior Year Scholarship Recipient »

Joseph W. and Julia L. Bouknight Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in chemistry or biochemistry who plan to teach high school chemistry. The scholarship can be awarded to freshman and upper-class students each semester until the B.S., M.T. or MAT degrees are completed. The student must maintain a 3.0 GPA and must be making satisfactory progress toward a degree. 

View Joseph W. and Julia L. Bouknight Scholarship Recipient » 

American Chemical Society South Carolina Section Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Chemistry Major Award 

This award is presented to a graduating senior chemistry or biochemistry major based on faculty recommendation, undergraduate research participation and outstanding grades. As a recipient of this award, the student will receive a plaque and be honored at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society. 

View American Chemical Society South Carolina Section Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Chemistry Major Award Recipient » 

American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award 

This award encourages student interest in analytical chemistry and is awarded for outstanding performance in Chemistry 322 or 621. The award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society's Division of Analytical Chemistry and must be a chemistry or biochemistry major. It includes a subscription to the journal Analytical Chemistry and an honorary membership in the Division of Analytical Chemistry for the same period. 

View American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award Recipient »

American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award 

This award is presented to a top graduating senior student majoring in chemistry or biochemistry who has demonstrated excellence in organic chemistry based on a combination of research experience, coursework and a desire to pursue a career in chemistry. The award, sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry, includes a letter of recognition from the division, an award certificate and membership to the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. 

View American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award Recipient »

American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award 

This award recognizes achievement by students who have demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level and have future plans that include a career in chemistry. The award is sponsored by the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry and includes a personalized certificate and a letter of commendation. 

View American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award Recipient »

American Chemical Society Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award 

This award recognizes outstanding achievement by an undergraduate student that has demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry based on research, coursework, and/or dedication to the field. This award includes a letter of recognition, an award certificate, and a membership to the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. 

View American Chemical Society Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award Recipient »

American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award 

This award is given to an outstanding full-time undergraduate student currently enrolled in chemistry, environmental engineering or other programs emphasizing environmental chemistry.  The student must have completed one full year of study at UofSC. The award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry and includes a one-year membership in the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry and a certificate. 

View American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Undergraduate Award Recipient »

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