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Office of Sponsored Awards Management

Managing Awards

The Office of Sponsored Awards Management helps researchers manage sponsored awards by:

  • reviewing and negotiating grant and contract documents received from funding agencies.
  • answering non-financial, post-award research administration questions.
  • gathering information and resolving issues in conjunction with other campus units, including Purchasing, Grants and Funds Management, Personnel, etc.
  • coordinating directly with funding agencies for post-award administrative issues like project extensions, rebudgeting, scope changes, change of principal investigators, closeout and other project modifications.
  • preparing and negotiating subawards and subcontracts.

If you need assistance with managing awards, please contact your SAM administrator.

Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

Each major step in the sponsored award life cycle is listed on a separate line in the left-most column of the matrix. The cells in the second through fifth columns show responsibility for each step, by role:

  • Column 2: The Office of Sponsored Awards Management (SAM)
  • Column 3: Principal Investigator (PI)
  • Column 4: The Division/Unit Administrator (the business manager or other research administrator residing in a department, college, or other academic unit)
  • Column 5: The Office of Grants and Fund Management (GFM)

In each column, letters are used to indicate the responsibility level for each role:

  • P indicates a Primary Responsibility: The responsibility for a step resides primarily with the role denoted with a P.
  • S indicates a Supporting Responsibility: When an S appears, it denotes supporting or secondary responsibility for a given step.
  • G indicates a Guidance Responsibility: When G appears in a cell, the corresponding role/column will provide guidance and advice for the step, as needed.

Post-Award Activities

Activity/Step SAM PI Division/Unit Administrator GFM Notes
Prepare and submit required financial reports to funding agency       P  
Establish award account in USCeRA P  S S   Make adjustments between proposal and award. Note special considerations like sub-awards, cost share, etc.
Distribute award account documents to GFM, college and department P        
As required, prepare, initiate and execute subcontract agreements P  G G    
Coordinate with funding agency to manage administrative actions:
  • Rebudgeting
  • Scope changes
  • No-cost extensions
  • Other modifications
P S S   PIs should notify SAM when an administrative action is required and participate as needed to implement actions.
Prepare and submit required programmatic progress reports to funding agency  S P     PI should report updates in other support and foreign activities to their SAM administrator.


Subrecipient Monitoring Activities

Activity/Step SAM PI Division/Unit Administrator GFM Notes
Receive and approve subrecipient invoices G P S   PI must be satisfied that work is done according to proposed specifications and that expenses are allowable and allocable to the account. Forward approved invoices to Grants and Fund Management.
Review invoices and remit payment to subrecipients       P Ensure that all expenses are reasonable, allowable and allocable to the award account.
Monitor subrecipients and request annual audits for review S     P  


Close Out Activities

Activity/Step SAM PI Division/Unit Administrator GFM Notes
Prepare final invoice/property reports/Financial Report (FFR) and submit to the sponsor   S                                                                                                             
Prepare and submit final technical and programmatic reports G P      
Submit final invention statement and miscellaneous reports as required P S      

Office of Sponsored Awards Management

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.