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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of shelved library books with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, August 6, 2020

New resources and COVID-19 testing opportunities now available for UofSC faculty and staff

UofSC Human Resources recently updated its website, adding a variety of tips and resources for employees who are transitioning back to campus, and for those employees who are continuing to work from home. To protect the health and well-being of the campus community, returning faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to have a COVID-19 diagnostic test.


Major scientific journals highlight the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on researchers around the globe

The novel coronavirus has affected virtually every aspect of life for people around the globe. As impacts of the virus continue over months, scientific journals have begun to zoom in on how they affect different demographics within the research community. The American Academy for the Advancement of Science magazine, Science, recently published an article detailing how researchers who are parents have been faring amid the pandemic. The journal Nature also has a new article out exploring how the COVID-19 crisis threatens progress toward greater diversity in science. Both articles suggest steps for improvement moving forward, as does a piece released in July by The National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, which examines where research universities are today, and how they might move forward.


6 August 2020

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.