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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, May 7, 2020

Office of the Vice President for Research awards 2020 ASPIRE grants

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the 2020 recipients of Advanced Support Programs for Innovative Research Excellence, or ASPIRE, funding. UofSC faculty researchers submitted a total of 173 proposals to the ASPIRE programs this year. The proposals were reviewed by faculty review committees appointed by the Vice President for Research, and 80 were selected to receive just over $2 million in total 2020 ASPIRE funding. Read more about the 2020 ASPIRE grants.


View the Understanding COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall recording

On Tuesday, May 5, the Office of the Vice President for Research hosted Understanding COVID-19, a virtual town hall featuring faculty experts from the University of South Carolina presenting information on various aspects of COVID-19 as applicable to South Carolina, followed by an audience Q&A. The Understanding COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall was free and open to the public, and had about 150 live attendees. Visit the event page to view the virtual town hall recording, download the slide presentation and submit a follow-up question.


Future Planning Group updates

  • In-Person Classes Resume in August: After weeks of analysis and consideration, and in consultation with the Board of Trustees, the Columbia campus of the University of South Carolina will resume in-person instruction in mid-August. Learn more from President Caslen's May 6 message.
  • Submit Cost Savings Suggestions: You are the expert of your own work environment. That’s why the Future Planning Group has added the Joint Staff and Faculty Senate Cost-Savings Opportunity Taskforce. The taskforce is relying on your expertise to identify innovative cost-savings opportunities that central planning efforts might otherwise miss. Submit your ideas on the Future Planning Group website.


University Consolidated Services will stock PPE

Consolidated Services, a unit of the University Purchasing Division, is developing a controlled stock of personal protection equipment (PPE) and disinfectant supplies that are purchased in bulk, and will be provided at cost upon request for institutional use by system campuses, administrative and service units, academic units and research facilities. Most supplies will be received in June and July. Read more about purchasing PPE supplies for COVID-19 (pdf).


Creating Digital Projects with UofSC Libraries’ online workshops

UofSC Libraries will host two online workshops on popular digital publishing tools next week. Both Zoom-based, one-hour workshops will teach attendees to create plans for digital projects, identify content management systems and web hosting for scholarship, and discover tools that can help bring research to life on the web. Read more and register for these events through the Creating Digital Projects event website:

  • Creating Digital Projects: Wordpress, Tuesday, May 12, at 2:00 p.m.
  • Creating Digital Projects: Omeka Digital Exhibits, Thursday, May 14, at 10:00 a.m.


7 May 2020

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.