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Office of the Vice President for Research

Office of Research Awards 2019 ASPIRE Grants to UofSC Faculty

ASPIRE, the signature competitive internal grant program of the Office of the Vice President for Research, is a cornerstone of faculty research and scholarship at the University of South Carolina. Through ASPIRE, the office funds promising faculty research, shared infrastructure and cross-disciplinary research projects to help strengthen UofSC researchers’ competitiveness for external grants and increase scholarly activity throughout the UofSC system.

Since it began in 2012, ASPIRE has made investments that have resulted in an excellent return of about $203 million, as reported by the faculty recipients. This impressive figure is evidence of the program’s effectiveness, and of the positive impact it makes on the UofSC research community.

“We are so proud to announce a new round of ASPIRE investments for 2019,” said USC Vice President for Research, Prakash Nagarkatti. “The selected projects from our outstanding faculty represent a wide variety of subject areas, from art to engineering, helping us to fund important scholarship across disciplines and boosting research throughout the UofSC system. It is my pleasure to congratulate all of the 2019 ASPIRE grant awardees.”

UofSC faculty researchers submitted a total of 188 proposals to the 2019 ASPIRE competitions. The proposals were reviewed by faculty review committees appointed by the Vice President for Research, and 82 were selected for funding.

The 2019 ASPIRE recipients are listed below, by funding track. It is the Office of Research’s pleasure to recognize this distinguished group. Complete details about the ASPIRE program, including criteria for each funding track and sub-track, are available on the program’s home page.


2019 ASPIRE-I: Innovation recipients

Sub-track I, junior faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Ahmad, Iftikhar Low-cost compact neutron detectors using thick BN layers over sapphire Electrical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Armstrong, Alissa Examining the role of intracellular adipocyte amino acid transport in nutrient allocation to egg production using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Baumgarner, Bradley Can exposure to the environmental endocrine disruptor tolylfluanid during cellular differentiation significantly reduce the glycolytic capacity of fully differentiated cardiomyocytes during hypoxic stress? Upstate University of SC Upstate
Bradshaw, Jessica Infant Predictors of Social Communication Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Cai, Guoshuai Characterization of a Novel Methylation Signature in Breast Cancer Progression Environmental Health Sciences Arnold School of Public Health
Downey, Austin Real-Time Surrogate Model Updating for Structures Experiencing High-Rate Dynamics Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Comp.
Fu, Zhengqing Engineering Citrus Greening Resistant Rootstocks without Compromising Plant Growth Using uORF-Mediated Translation Control of the Arabidopsis NPR1 Gene Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Hair, Nicole Evaluating State Collaborative and Legislative Policies Limiting Early-Term Elective Delivery Health Services Policy & Mgmt Arnold School of Public Health
Hung, Peiyin Trend and consequences of physician-hospital consolidation for obstetric care in urban and rural South Carolina Health Services Policy & Mgmt Arnold School of Public Health
Jamshidi, Pooyan Optimizing Energy Consumption of Deep Neural Networks for Intelligent Learning Systems Computer Science & Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Limberg-Ohrt, Dodie Using Electronic Client Feedback to Improve Mental Health Outcomes of Children and Adolescents Educational Studies College of Education
Lohman, Matthew Pilot Evaluation of an Early Memory Loss Lifestyle Intervention for Participants and Their Care Partners in South Carolina Epidemiology & Biostatistics Arnold School of Public Health
Lorenz, Alexander The Language Mindset: Postsecondary Language Learners' Attitudes towards Language Learning Upstate University of SC Upstate
Marshall, Nicholas Mechanism and Scope of Conjugated Polymer/Metal-Organic Framework Composite Formation Aiken University of SC Aiken
Martinez, David The Impact of Disproportionality on Education Finance Equity in South Carolina: A Comparative Analysis Education Leadership & Policies College of Education
Roth, Benjamin Promoting immigrant integration in restrictive policy environments:The role of immigrant-serving organizations Social Work - Dean's Office College of Social Work
Sanchez, Lenny Partnering with Parents and Schools to Foster Bilingual and Global Learning Education - Dean's Office College of Education
Smuder, Ashley Effects of aging on the expression of drug transport proteins in the heart Exercise Science Arnold School of Public Health
Stewart, Jill Task-Oriented Training of Arm Function in Standing after Stroke: A Pilot Study Exercise Science Arnold School of Public Health
Sullivan, Jessica Topographic Controls on Flow and Sedimentation in a Small Salt Marsh Island Aiken University of SC Aiken
Trevors, Greg A Multi-Method Approach to Understand How and for Whom Corrections of Vaccine Misinformation are Effective Educational Studies College of Education
Wang, Dewei Semiparametric regression for multiple-infection group testing data Statistics College of Arts and Sciences
Wang, Yuan Joint Brain Network Modeling of Multimodal MRI across Aphasia Types Epidemiology & Biostatistics Arnold School of Public Health
Wen, Jing Understand the Role of Emotions in Disaster Communication: A Computational Analysis Journalism & Mass Communications College of Information & Communications
White, Douglas Laboratory Studies of Outer Planetary Ice Analogs Subject to Thermal Processing Aiken University of SC Aiken
Williard, Ashley Madness in the French Atlantic World, c. 1600-1800 Languages, Literatures, & Culture College of Arts and Sciences
Xiao, Shuo Development of a high-throughput 3D in vitro follicle culture platform for female reproductive toxicity evaluation Environmental Health Sciences Arnold School of Public Health

Sub-track IIA, research faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chatzistamou, Ioulia Exploring the anticancer activity of P. leucopus serum Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology School of Medicine
Enos, Reilly 8-Prenylnaringenin:  A Natural Therapy for Estrogen Deficiency in Obesity Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology School of Medicine
Fiester, Steven Elucidation of hemoglobin degradation and subsequent heme-b utilization by the multidrug-resistant human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii Medicine Greenville School of Medicine - Greenville
Haldeman, Matt Evaluation of Anaerobic Digestion as a Means of Helminthic Control in Rural Tanzania Family & Preventive Medicine School of Medicine
Piroli, Gerardo Intranasal insulin effects on behavioral, morphological and biochemical parameters in a model of Leigh syndrome Pharmacology, Physiology & Neurology School of Medicine
White, Andrew Exploration of the Deep Archaeology of 38FA608 (Dorn Levee #1) Archaeology & Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences

Sub-track IIB, postdoctoral scholar development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Ajmal, Fozia Shift from home dialysis to in-center hemodialysis among End-Stage Renal Disease patients in the United States: A qualitative exploratory study Health Services Policy & Management Arnold School of Public Health
Banerjee, Ritubarna Hetero-atom Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Supports in the Strong Electrostatic Adsorption of Platinum and Palladium Catalysts Chemical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Baron, Lauren Executive Function in Children with Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia Communication Sciences & Disorders Arnold School of Public Health
Hong, Seong Hyeon Embedded Machine Learning Platform for Automated Fault Detection and Mitigation in Dynamic Systems Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Kingston, Alexandra How eyes evolve: relationships between structural complexity, molecular complexity, and function across the diverse light-sensing organs of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Kumar, Ambrish Development of Alginate-?Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (Alginate-?CGRP) Microcapsules for the Treatment of Pressure-overload Induced Heart Failure Cell Biology & Anatomy School of Medicine
Lakind, Rebecca Mental health providers? perspectives on schools as ecological systems and contexts for their roles Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Qi, Guang Coordinated actions of Brassinosteroids and salicylic acid lead to balanced plant growth and defense. Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Qin, Guangzhao Development of machine learning based interatomic potential for multiscale modeling of thermal management of electronics using Boron Arsenide (BAs) Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Sahu, Subhshri Deciphering the role of Dilp8 in nutrient sensitive stages of oogenesis in adult Drosophila melanogaster Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Shen, Yu Apoplastic Peptides in Plant Immunity Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Wang, Pengtao Development of Durable, Anti-scaling, and Cost-effective Surfaces for Thermal Desalination Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Wang, Yilin Unraveling the function of CST ubiquitination in DNA replication Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Yang, Xueying HIV related disclosures and HIV care cascade among MSM living with HIV in South Carolina Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Arnold School of Public Health
yin, rong Targeting Port Wine Stain Blood Vessels by Endothelial Optical Exosomes Cell Biology & Anatomy School of Medicine

Sub-track III, bridge funding

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Outten, Franklin ASPIRE I:  Characterization of protein interactions during iron-sulfur cluster trafficking under stress in bacteria. Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences
Waldman, Alan Lamin A and the Fidelity of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences

Sub-track IV, senior faculty exploration

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Boggs, Carol Revision: Development of Molecular Tools for Comparison of Drosophila and Lepidoptera Signaling Pathways Involved in Nutrient Sensing Biological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Brown, Kara Choosing Dual-Language Immersion: A Longitudinal Study of the Life of Four DLE Basic Schools in Four Estonian Cities Educational Studies College of Education
Childs, Matthew An African City in the Americas: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Havana History College of Arts and Sciences
Compton-Lilly, Catherine Teacher Preparation, Retention, and Satisfaction Instruction & Teacher Education College of Education
Dubinsky, Stanley Encyclopedia of Global Ethnolinguistic Conflict English College of Arts and Sciences
Higbee, Douglas The USC Aiken Student-Veteran Oral History Project Aiken University of SC Aiken
McInnes, Campbell Structural and mechanistic studies of diverse synthetic cannabinoids to understand psychoactive potency, G-protein signaling and genotoxicity. Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences College of Pharmacy
Merchant, Anwar Periodontal Treatment and Pregnancy Outcomes: Correcting Bias in Clinical Trials Epidemiology & Biostatistics Arnold School of Public Health
Myrick, Michael A FLUORESCENCE CYTOMETER FOR NANOPHYTOPLANKTON Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences
Pittman, Douglas Deciphering the Genetic Mechanisms of Ovarian Cancer in Patient-Derived Tumor Organoids Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences College of Pharmacy
Potts, Jay ?Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (?CGRP) as a Preventative Treatment of Pressure-overload Induced Heart Failure Cell Biology & Anatomy School of Medicine
Quattro, Joseph Estimating Precision in Near Infrared Spectrometry Derived Ages in Larval Fishes Baruch Institute College of Arts and Sciences
Scotchie, Virginia Artist Residency at the Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Center in Denmark and Publication of Artist Catalog Art College of Arts and Sciences
Strayer, Scott Smoking Cessation Counseling Decision  Aid with E-cigarette information: A feasibility test Family & Preventive Medicine School of Medicine
Sun, Yi Hybrid Multiscale Methods for Simulating Bacterial Swarming during Biofilm Growth Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
Wang, Guoan Environment Adaptive Position Independent Wireless Power Transfer Technologies Electrical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing
Wang, Hui Understanding the Working Mechanisms of Plasmonic Molecular Scissors Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences
Wang, Zhu Conservative Local Time Stepping For Oceanic Flow Simulations Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
Wiskur, Sheryl Exploring Cation-? Interactions and the Effect on Asymmetric Catalysis Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences

2019 ASPIRE-II: Integration recipients

Principal Investigator and Team Title PI Department PI College
Cozad, Melanie
  • Ronnie Horner, Department of Health Services Policy and Management, Arnold School of Public Health
  • Jin Liu, Educational Studies, College of Education
  • Benjamin Schooley, IIT-Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing
Development of RunRA: A Mobile Application for the Self-Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Services Policy & Management Arnold School of Public Health
Duncan, Graham
  • Megan Oliver, University Libraries
  • Bobby Donaldson, History, College of Arts and Sciences
Documentary Edition of the James T. McCain Daily Calendars and Notebooks South Caroliniana Library University Libraries
Richardson, Susan
  • Mohammed Baalousha, Environmental Health Sciences
  • Robert Sean Norman, Environmental Health Sciences
Impact of Sewer Overflows on Environmental and Human Health:  Columbia, SC as a Model for the United States Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences
Walsemann, Katrina
  • Emily Mann, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health
  • Nicole Hair, Health Services Policy and Management, Arnold School of Public Health
  • Jaclyn Wong, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Caroline Hartnett, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Andrea Henderson-Platt, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Bongki Woo, College of Social Work
Transforming UofSC into a National Leader in Health, Inequalities, and Population Research Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Arnold School of Public Health
Wang, Cuizhen (Susan)
  • Inthuorn Sasanakul, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing
  • Herrick Brown, Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Nikolaos Vitzilaios, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing
  • Allison Marsh, History, College of Arts and Sciences
Drone-implemented integration of GIScience, Engineering, Plant Biology, and Community Education for Dam Safety Assessment Geography College of Arts and Sciences
Wilder, Colin
  • Matthew Brashears, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • John Rose, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing
The Whole Earth Book Catalog History College of Arts and Sciences

2019 ASPIRE-III: Infrastructure recipients

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Baalousha, Mohammed Acquisition of a Microwave System to Support Multidisciplinary Research in Material, Environmental, and Geological Sciences. Environmental Health Sciences Arnold School of Public Health
Boyd, Kate Video & Audio Studio in Thomas Cooper Library for All Faculty and Students University Libraries - Dean's Office University Libraries
Ferry, John Assembling a repository of purified reference harmful algal bloom toxins Chemistry & Biochemistry College of Arts and Sciences
Shervette, Virginia Establishment of a Shared USCA Histological Research Facility Aiken University of SC Aiken
Yankovsky, Alexander Quantifying Turbulence and Mixing Across the Estuary-Ocean Interface with a Microstructure Profiler School of Earth, Ocean & Environment College of Arts and Sciences
Yuan, Lang Powder Management System for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing

29 April 2019

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
