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Office of the Vice President for Research

Opportunities for Faculty

ASPIRE: Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence

Through the ASPIRE program, USC faculty have the opportunity to compete for funding to begin a promising new research research project for later external funding. The goal of these investments is to enhance the University of South Carolina's research capabilities.

The Office of the Vice President for Research is proud to invest in USC's present and future research excellence through the Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence, or ASPIRE program. Since 2012, ASPIRE has been one of the university's primary funding mechanisms to support research by USC faculty at all levels, across all campuses.

ASPIRE has evolved over the years, always with the goal of advancing USC faculty research by funding meritorious research projects across disciplines. For the 2024 funding cycle, ASPIRE will emphasize support for early-career faculty who intend to pursue subsequent extramural funding.

If you have questions about the ASPIRE program, please contact contact Julie Morris at


2024 ASPIRE Request for proposals and application materials

ASPIRE proposals are submitted through USCeRA, the University of South Carolina electronic research administration software system, but some forms must be completed outside of the system, and then attached. Additionally, some steps in the ASPIRE application process in USCeRA might require guidance. Below, you will find the forms and guidelines necessary to complete the ASPIRE application process.

All ASPIRE 2024 proposals are due before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, 2024.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
