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Office of the Vice President for Research

2018 ASPIRE Grants Awarded to USC Faculty

The Office of the Vice President for Research is committed to supporting USC’s researchers at every level through a slate of internal funding programs targeting students and faculty. One of the most impactful programs, ASPIRE, is designed to fund promising research, shared research infrastructure and sought-after interdisciplinary research projects to help strengthen the University of South Carolina’s competitiveness for external grants and bolster scholarship throughout the USC System.

The returns on the Vice President for Research’s ASPIRE investments are excellent. The ASPIRE seed funding invested since 2012 has resulted in $120 million in new external sponsored award dollars, as reported by the faculty recipients.

“The ASPIRE program has been so successful, it’s really very impressive,” said USC Vice President for Research, Prakash Nagarkatti. “I have to credit the outstanding USC faculty members who have received ASPIRE grants and used them to build up research data and interdisciplinary relationships they needed to successfully garner external funding dollars later. I have confidence that the 2018 ASPIRE recipients will continue this pattern of accomplishment, and I congratulate them on their success.”

For the 2018 ASPIRE cycle, USC faculty researchers submitted a total of 185 proposals to the ASPIRE programs this year. The proposals were reviewed by a faculty review committee appointed by the Vice President for Research, and 78 were selected for funding.

The 2018 ASPIRE recipients are listed below, by funding track. It is the Office of Research’s pleasure to recognize this distinguished group. Complete details about the ASPIRE program, including criteria for each funding track and sub-track, are available on the program’s home page.

2018 ASPIRE-I: Innovation recipients

Sub-track I, junior faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Augustine, Jennifer Improving Children's Skill Development and Reducing Inequality: Is Promoting Higher Education for Lower Educated Mothers the Answer? Sociology Arts and Sciences, College of
Eberth, John Preconditioning of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Egbue, Ona Energy Management Strategy for Microgrids Considering Plug-In Electric Vehicles USC Upstate USC Upstate
Ehlers, Diane The effects of aerobic exercise on executive function in breast cancer survivors: A pilot randomized trial Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Gay, Gregory Investigating the Relationship between Real and Synthetic Software Faults Computer Science & Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Gregory, Karl A nonparametric bifurcation point estimator for bifurcated response data Statistics Arts and Sciences, College of
Greytak, Andrew Aspire: Patterned photochemical doping of semiconductor nanowires Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Karami, Amir Knowledge Discovery in Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Experiences Library & Information Sciences, School of Information and Communications, College of
Koh, Ho-Jin The Role of Tribbles 3 on Exercise Training-induced Beige Fat Formation Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Kubinak, Jason How Primary Antibody Deficiency Drives Chronic Inflammation:
Disease Risks and Potential Therapeutic Opportunities
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Lane-Cordova, Abbi Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and placental health Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Lee, Dongkyu Factors Governing Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Epitaxial Layered Oxide Thin Films for Oxygen Electrocatalysis Mechanical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Luo, Lannan Vulnerability Discovery and Test Input Generation for Android System Services Computer Science & Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Mann, Emily Navigating Conflicting Narratives of Risk: Exploring the Experiences of Women of Advanced Maternal Age Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Paul, Titan Nanoparticles Size Effect on Thermophysical Properties of Ionic Liquids Based Nanofluids USC Aiken USC Aiken
Pellegrini, Christine Promoting Physical Activity via Physical Therapist Following Knee Replacement Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Poulain, Fabienne Generation of topographic transgenic lines for the study of retinotopy in the visual system. Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Qian, Yu Railroad 4.0: intelligent Risk Assessment and Prediction System (i-RAPS) Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Sasanakul, Inthuorn Centrifuge modeling of unsaturated soil slope under cyclic transient flow Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Sasmaz, Erdem Design and Implementation of flame spray pyrolysis for nanomaterial synthesis Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Sockalingam, Subramani Dynamic Impact Mechanics of Novel Non-conventional Fiber-reinforced Composite Laminates Mechanical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Welton, Sheldon The States that Opted Out: Contextualizing Energy Governance in the Southeast Law, School of Law, School of
Wise, Julie Lyric Form and Temporality in Michael Field's Underneath the Bough USC Aiken USC Aiken
Zhang, Xiaomei PeerCould: Enhancing Mobile Edge/Cloud Computing with Device-to-Device Offloading USC Beaufort - General USC Beaufort

Sub-track IIA, research faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Harrington, Shana Early Rehabilitation Program within a Regional Health System for Women with Breast Cancer to Improve Upper Extremity Strength, Arm Volume, Upper Extremity Function, and Pain: A Pragmatic Clinical Trial Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Kar, Amar Identifying the molecular mechanisms regulating axon dieback in Parkinsons disease. Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Lackstrom, Kirsten Drought Planning in the Southeast United States: Constraints and Opportunities for Intra- and Interstate Coordination Geography Arts and Sciences, College of
Raynor, Phyllis P.A.R.E.N.T.S.S. Project - Parents Adopting Recovery-management through Enhanced New Technology for Self-care and Support (for Parenting) Nursing Nursing, College of
Tasseva-Kurktchieva, Mila The shape of the bilingual mental lexicon: Testing the diversity of cognates Linguistics Program Arts and Sciences, College of
Wirth, Michael Qualitative Exploration of Future and Current Nurses Perceptions and Experiences on the Transition into the Nursing Workforce Epidemiology & Biostatistics Public Health, Arnold School of

Sub-track IIB, postdoctoral scholar development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chakrabarti, Mrinmay Role of TGFbeta ligands in cardiac fibrosis Medicine, School of  - (Dean) Medicine, School of 
Chen, Huan A Cooperation of Essential Activators of Salicylic Acid Signaling NPR1 and EDS1 in Plant Immunity Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Davis, Catherine Tracking Deglacial Changes in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Earth, Ocean, and Environment Earth, Ocean, and Environment
Deming, Michelle Health Care Providers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Delivery of Postexposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for the Prevention of HIV after Sexual Assault Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Ingram, Ladrea A life course approach to examining the intersections of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), race/ethnicity and intergenerational trauma in young African American women living with HIV Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Tavakoli Mehrabadi, Bahareh Alsadat Preparation and evaluation of PT-Ru/CNTs catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Tengco, John Meynard Well-dispersed Pt-based supported metal catalysts with alloy nanoparticles using electrostatic adsorption and electroless co-deposition synthesis methods Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Wang, Jingjing Investigation of size-dependent toxicity, uptake, and stability of platinum nanoparticles in Daphnia magna Environmental Health Sciences Public Health, Arnold School of
Weaver, Cory Generating new zebrafish mutant lines to study PACT functions in neurodevelopment Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of

Sub-track III, bridge funding

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Matta, Fabio Cement Composites with Advanced Graphitic Nano-amendments for Nuclear Waste Storage Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Meade, Douglas MYMA Calculus Mathematics Arts and Sciences, College of

Sub-track IV, senior faculty exploration

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chen, Fanglin ASPIRE-I Track IV: Novel Direct CO2 to Methanol Synthesis using an Integrated Hydrogen and Oxygen Pump Mechanical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Chen, Hexin Interleukin 1α promotes tumor progression via induction of myeloid-derived suppressor cells differentiation and inhibition of B lymphopoiesis Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Eberth, Jan Implementation of Shared Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening: A Pilot Study Epidemiology & Biostatistics Public Health, Arnold School of
Fadel, Jim Intranasal insulin administration increases hippocampal acetylcholine levels Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience Medicine, School of
Goldsmith, Edie Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) as a Novel Mediator of post-MI Remodeling Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Herzberg, Tina The Impact of Professional Development for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments to Support Them in Increasing Students’ Literacy Efficiency USC Upstate USC Upstate
Hoover, Ann When Power is Precarious: Investigating Powerlessness as a Masculinity Threat USC Upstate USC Upstate
Kuenzli, Elisabeth Jockeying into Position: Race, Ethnicity, and the Rise of the Latino Jockey in the American South History Arts and Sciences, College of
Mandal, Krishna Bandgap engineered innovative contacts on pixilated CdZnTe gamma-ray detectors for nuclear waste characterization Electrical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Murphy, Elizabeth Targeting Macrophages to Increase Efficacy of 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy in Colorectal Cancer Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Osokina, Elena AMTORG – An Agent of Soviet Influence in America, 1920s-1930s History Arts and Sciences, College of
Patel, Rekha Investigate the involvement of eIF2alpha signaling pathway in the neuromuscular movement disorder dystonia 16. Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Pershin, Yuriy Hybrid Memcomputing: A Novel In-Memory Computing Approach Physics & Astronomy Arts and Sciences, College of
Robillard, Alyssa HIV Stigma-Related Trauma in African-American HIV-Positive Women: A Mixed Method Approach to Measure Development Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Rudisill, Anne The Clinical and Economic Impact of a Lifestyle Medicine-Based Wellness Program to Treat Severe Obesity Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Scott, Patrick Investigating Robert Burns's First Book: Variants in Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786) University Libraries University Libraries
Shervette, Virginia Application of the Bomb Radiocarbon Chronometer for Validating Age Estimates of Queen Snapper, a Data-poor Caribbean Fisheries Species USC Aiken USC Aiken
Simpson, Brent How Discrimination Affects Effort and Performance Sociology Arts and Sciences, College of
Sixta Rinehart, Christine The Fiscal Costs of American Drone Warfare USC Union USC Union
Steward, Rodney An Illegal Violence: The Story of Confederate Sequestration USC Salkehatchie USC Salkehatchie
Wang, Cuizhen (Susan) Rapid Flood Mapping by Enhancing Near Real-Time Satellite Imagery with Real-Time Gauge and Tweeter data Geography Arts and Sciences, College of
Yang, Xiaofeng Modeling, algorithm developments and simulations for two-phase ferrofluid flows Mathematics Arts and Sciences, College of
Yoon, Yeomin Preliminary Evaluation of Graphene Oxide Coated Membrane Filtration
for Water Treatment
Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
zur Loye, Hans-Conrad Top-Seeded Solution Crystal Growth Instrument for the Synthesis of Single Crystals of Novel Oxyfluoride Scintillator Materials Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of

2018 ASPIRE-II: Integration recipients

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chen, Donna
  • John Monnier, Chemical Engineering
  • Natalia Shustova, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bimetallic Metal-Organic Frameworks as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Gas Phase Hydrogenation Reactions Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Donaldson, Bobby
  • Ron Cox, USC Lancaster
  • Graham Duncan, South Caroliniana Library
Briggs v. Elliott Digital Archive History Arts and Sciences, College of
Heckman, Heather
  • Beth Bilderback, University Libraries
  • Fabio Matta, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Paul Ziehl, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Alternative Vault Designs for Storage of Cellulose Nitrate Heritage Materials University Libraries University Libraries
Hughes, Ronda
  • John Brooks, Health Services Policy and Management
  • Neset Hikmet, IIT, College of Engineering and Computing
  • Ben Schooley, IIT, College of Engineering and Computing
  • Stacey Mumbower, Darla Moore School of Business
An Integrated Approach to Reducing Post-Discharge Utilization Nursing Nursing, College of
Norman, Robert
  • Shamia Hoque, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Susan Richardson, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Temporal Dynamics of Antibiotic and Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria Emissions From Municipal Sewage Environmental Health Sciences Public Health, Arnold School of
Ortinski, Pavel
  • Jeff Twiss, Biological Sciences
  • Jill Turner, Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences
  • Marlene Wilson, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurology
Identifying molecular substrates of motivation in health and disease Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience Medicine, School of

2018 ASPIRE-III: Infrastructure recipients

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chruszcz, Maksymilian Access to the 3rd generation synchrotron X-ray source through SER-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source. Renewal of membership Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Ellison, Phyllis Wireless Physiological Sensors to Explore the Pathophysiology and the Effects of Innovative Treatments for Traumatic Stress, Head Injuries and Emotional Dysregulation in Military Veterans, Student Athletes and Adults with ADHD: Out of the Laboratory and into the Field USC Aiken USC Aiken
Frizzell, Norma Acquisition of State-of-the-Art Nanospray Ion Sources to Expand the Proteomics Capabilities of the USC Mass Spectrometry Core Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience Medicine, School of
Monnier, John In situ high temperature and variable gas environment X-ray Diffractometer for study of effects of temperature and gas environment on stability of catalysts and other novel materials Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Montie, Eric Building USCB Infrastructure for Marine Soundscape and Noise Pollution Research and Other Coastal Ecology and
Conservation Programs
USC Beaufort - Academic Affairs USC Beaufort
Price, Robert Acquisition of HyVolution Super Resolution Microscope Upgrade for the Instrumentation Resource Facility Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Ritchie, Kimberly Acquisition of a Real-Time PCR machine for Natural Sciences and Biomedical Research Development USC Beaufort - General USC Beaufort

27 April 2018

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.