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Office of the Vice President for Research

Congratulations to the 2016 ASPIRE Grant Recipients

ASPIRE grants were initiated in 2012 to fund promising research and shared research infrastructure to help strengthen the University of South Carolina’s competitiveness for external grants and bolster scholarship throughout the USC System. Moreover, the ASPIRE II grants were aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research through faculty collaborations across different schools and colleges of USC. Faculty members who have received ASPIRE grants have generated more than $50 million in new research funding as a result.

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the results of the 2016 ASPIRE I, II and III internal funding competitions. USC Faculty researchers submitted a total of 182 proposals to the ASPIRE programs this year. The proposals were reviewed by faculty review committees appointed by the Vice President for Research, and 76 were selected for funding.

Prakash Nagarkatti, the Vice President for Research, notes, “Each year, we coordinate the ASPIRE grant program to boost the research and scholarship at USC across all disciplines, and all system campuses. The faculty who receive these grants continue to exceed expectations, and I feel certain that the same will be true of our 2016 ASPIRE recipients. Year after year, ASPIRE recipients use their funding to create strong foundations on which they can build, often with successful externally funded follow-up projects. In fact, 78 research proposals that started as ASPIRE projects have been funded by outside entities, with many more pending. These numbers are significant, and really show how faculty can translate internal investments into external funding success stories.”

The 2016 ASPIRE recipients are listed below, by funding track. It is the Office of Research’s pleasure to recognize this distinguished group. Complete details about the ASPIRE program, including criteria for each funding track and sub-track, are available on the program’s ASPIRE home page.

2016 ASPIRE-I: Innovation recipients

Sub-track I, junior faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Brandt, Lydia Mid-Century Architecture in America: Outside the Canon Art Arts and Sciences, College of
Brian, Ali Project HOP: Health-enhancing Outcomes and Physical activity for individuals with visual impairments Physical Education Education, College of
Cozad, Melanie Exploring the Use of Implicit and Explicit Methods to Elicit Individual Patient Preferences

At Diagnosis to Inform Patient-Centered Care
Health Services Policy and Management Public Health, Arnold School of
Cummings, Jason The Black Middle Class Health Paradox and Racial Discrimination Sociology Arts and Sciences, College of
D'Antonio, Edward Development of Biologically-Active Enzyme Inhibitors of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Against Trypanosomatid Parasites USC Beaufort - General USC Beaufort
Davis, Rachel Using tailored narratives to increase cross-racial empathy and reduce implicit racial bias: A preliminary study toward eliminating racial health disparities Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Drenowatz, Clemens The Effects of Various Exercise Protocols on Energy Expenditure During and Following Exercise Exercise Science Public Health, Arnold School of
Eberth, John Development and Evaluation of an In Vitro Calcium Chloride Mouse Model of Aortic Aneurysm Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Gore, DeAnna The Motivations and Experiences of Childfree Black Women and Men USC Aiken USC Aiken
Harrison, Conor Power Play: Examining low carbon energy transitions in the Caribbean Geography Arts and Sciences, College of
Hattrick-Simpers, Jason Using In situ Measurements of Atomistic Fluxes and Energetics to Control Texturing in Sputtered Co3O4 Thin Films Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Henderson-Platt, Andrea An Exploratory Study of Historical Trauma among African Americans in South Carolina. Sociology Arts and Sciences, College of
Hoque, Shamia Integrated multi physics and statistical model of particle resuspension with application to environmental systems Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Kaczynski, Andrew eCPAT: Advancement and feasibility testing of public park information and technology resources to support healthy communities Prevention Research Center Public Health, Arnold School of
Karami, Amir Medical Case Reports Analytics (MCRA) in Neurology Library & Information Sciences, School of Mass Communications & Information Studies, College of
Li, Zhenlong Developing a High Performance Query Analytical Platform to Support Large Scale Climate Data Analysis Geography Arts and Sciences, College of
Lizarraga, Sofia chromatin regulatory mechanisms underlying neuronal circuitry defects in autism spectrum disorders Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Murphy, Elizabeth Maternal-Obesity-Induced Transgenerational Colorectal Cancer Risk Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Qiao, Shan Functional wellness among women living with HIV in South Carolina Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Ramstad, Kristina Panmixia, promiscuity, and nest parasitism among wood storks (Mycteria americana) USC Aiken USC Aiken
Roth, Benjamin An alternative to the "iron fist"? Interrupting Central American emigration through violence prevention and community development Social Work, College of Social Work, College of
Speiser, Daniel Neurobiology of a dispersed visual system: How do chitons (Mollusca; Polyplacophora) process the images gathered by their hundreds of eyes? Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Stolz, Nolan ASPIRE - Recording of an Original Composition for Orchestra USC Upstate USC Upstate
Vannucci, Aaron Development of a Photocatalytic System for the Renewable Production of Hydrogen Fuel Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Wang, Hui ASPIRE-I Track I: Plasmonic Hot Electron-Driven Photocatalysis: a Case Study of para-Nitrothiophenol Dimerization Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
White, Kellee Multimorbidity, Depressive Symptoms Trajectories, and Mortality among Middle-Aged and Older US Adults Epidemiology & Biostatistics Public Health, Arnold School of
Wood, Susan The anti-inflammatory properties of neuropeptide Y Pharmacology, Physiology & Neuroscience Medicine, School of
Ziolkowski, Lori Are Alaskan supraglacial microbes consuming fossil fuel derived carbon? Earth and Ocean Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of

Sub-track IIA, research faculty development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Alexeev, Oleg Fine tuning catalytic properties of supported metal sites on a single atom scale Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Banister, Carolyn Germline Variants Associated with HPV Persistence and Cervical Cancer Pharmacy - (Dean) Pharmacy, SC College of
Chatzistamou, Ioulia Assessment of the anticancer activity of a novel multi-chemokine antibody for breast cancer management. Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Elk, Ronit Culturally Tailored Conversations at EOL:  What African American Patients Want Physicians to Know Nursing Nursing, College of
Greenfield, Dianne Using a novel molecular tool to rapidly detect, quantify, and predict harmful algal blooms associated with  fish kills and public health concerns Baruch Institute Arts and Sciences, College of
Sasmaz, Erdem Instrumental Design of a High-throughput Gas Chromatography Chemical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of


Sub-track IIB, postdoctoral scholar development

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Bringue, Manuel Calcareous dinoflagellates in the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) and calibration of the oxygen isotope composition of Thoracosphaera heimii calcite for paleotemperature reconstructions Earth and Ocean Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Enos, Reilly The role of PKC-Theta in obesity-induced hepatic insulin resistance Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Ghate, Pankaj Regulation of neuronal morphology and development by RAB11FIP5 through mTOR signalling pathway Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Harrison, Sayward First Line of Defense: An Evaluation of the Role of Primary Care in the Prevention of Childhood Obesity in South Carolina Health Promotion, Education & Behavior Public Health, Arnold School of
Hogan-Brown, Abigail Social anxiety in younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder Psychology Arts and Sciences, College of
hong, jie Evaluating the efficiency, safety and environmental effects of polymer-coated nano-Fe3O4 bioaccumulation in South Carolinian clams Environmental Health Sciences Public Health, Arnold School of
Klusek, Jessica Biomarkers Markers for Cognitive-Linguistic Impairments in Women with the FMR1 Premutation Psychology Arts and Sciences, College of
Liu, Shou IL6 enhances immunogenicity of breast cancer cells via inducing NKG2D Ligand Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Londono, Berlin Human - mosquito complement - like proteins cross talk in Flavivirus responses Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Markoutsa, Eleni Dual targeted nanoparticles for delivering temozolomide across the blood–brain barrier for the treatment of glioma Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Pharmacy, SC College of
Ponton, Dominic Uptake of isotopically-labelled three-layered Ag107@Au@Ag109 nanoparticles by the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and subsequent trophic transfer to the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis Environmental Health Sciences Public Health, Arnold School of
Shi, Liang Identifying factors that modulate Cdk5-dependent axonal transport Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Singh, Priyanka Defining Inhibin dependent paracrine mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis. Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Vaish, Vivek Role of Notch ligand, Jagged-2, in colorectal cancer chemoresistance Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Velazquez, Kandy The Effects Of Ojeok-San On Neuro-Immune Interactions In Colon Cancer Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Medicine, School of
Zhao, Jia Modeling and Simulation of Multicellular Systems using Multiphase Complex Fluids Models Mathematics Arts and Sciences, College of


Sub-track III, bridge funding

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Miller, David Paragon English Arts and Sciences, College of
Baxter, Suzanne Methodological research concerning accuracy of children's dietary recalls Families in Society, Institute for Social Work, College of


Sub-track IV, senior faculty exploration

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Angel, Mike Blue Light Emitting Diode Optically Encoded Source for Remote Raman Spectroscopy Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Coenen Snyder, Saskia Aspire I Grant: "Diasporic Gems: Diamonds, Jews, and 19th Century Global Commerce" History Arts and Sciences, College of
DeWitte, Sharon Plague, Famine, and Bedlam: Health and Survival in the Context of Historic Mortality Crises Anthropology Arts and Sciences, College of
Garashchuk, Sophya First-principles simulations of the proton transport through

atomically thin hexagonal boron nitrides
Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Kelly, Kenneth Archaeological Perspectives on Plantation Slavery Before and During the Haitian Revolution Anthropology Arts and Sciences, College of
Kiaris, Hippokratis Analysis of the unfolded protein response in Peromyscus maniculatus populations adapted in high and low altitudes. Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Pharmacy, SC College of
Krizek, Beth Genetic Engineering of Camelina sativa Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Lavoie, Holly Validation of cumulus cell biomarkers reflecting oocyte quality and leading to live birth using IVF Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Mandal, Krishna A New PbEuTe Semiconductor Detector for Nuclear Materials Accounting Electrical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Matesic, Lydia Establishing an Intestinal Organoid Culture Model to Examine the Role of the Ubiquitin Ligase ITCH in the Homeostasis of the Intestinal Epithelium Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of
Myhrer, Fred Neutrino interactions with matter Physics & Astronomy Arts and Sciences, College of
Outten, Franklin Characterization of the SufR transcription factor regulating iron cofactor biogenesis in pathogenic Mycobacteria Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Simpson, Brent How Inequality Shapes Perceptions of Merit and Mobility Sociology Arts and Sciences, College of
Snow, Rachel Kodak Culture: Education, Marketing, and Brand Building for Photography's Global Market

(Writing Chapter Two and Researching Chapter Five)
USC Upstate USC Upstate
Spruill, Marjorie Phase 2: Remembering International Women's Year 1977: An Oral History Preservation Project History Arts and Sciences, College of
Wade-Woolley, Lesly How Children Spell Vowels in Long Words Communication Sciences & Disorders Public Health, Arnold School of

ASPIRE-II: Integration recipients


Principal Investigator Title Department College
Boyd, Kate
  • Herrick Brown, Biological Sciences

  • Lana Burgess, McKissick Museum

  • Nathan Saunders, University Libraries

  • John Knox, History

Historic Southern Naturalists: Bringing USC's History and Natural History Together Online University Libraries University Libraries
Burgin, Watson
  • Ashley Knox, University Libraries

  • Christopher Judge, USC Lancaster

Native American SC Digital Archive USC Lancaster USC Lancaster
Hashemi, Parastoo
  • Alyssa Robillard, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior

  • Rose Booze, Psychology

Unraveling the Fundamental Neurological Mechanisms Underlying Neurodegeneration Induced Depression During HIV Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Huang, Chin-Tser
  • Seung Jang, School of Mass Communications and Journalism

  • Jijun Tang, Computer Science and Engineering 

Web Archaeology: Uncovering Hidden History on the Internet Computer Science & Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Huang, Xinyu
  • Susan Richardson, Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • Yeomin Yoon, Civil Engineering

Decentralized Desalination and Water Treatment with Direct Solar Membrane Distillation Mechanical Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Lavigne, John
  • Susan Steck, Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • John Rose, Computer Science and Engineering

Synthetic lectin sensor arrays to assess prostate cancer associated glycosylation patterns: towards screening, staging and prognosis Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Patel, Rekha
  • Norma Frizzell, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neuroscience

  • Jeff Dudycha, Biological Sciences 

Influence of mitochondrial ND5 sequence on average lifespan of Daphnia pulex. Biological Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of

ASPIRE-III: Infrastructure recipients

Principal Investigator Title Department College
Chruszcz, Maksymilian Access to the 3rd generation synchrotron X-ray source through SER-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source - Renewal Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Potts, Jay Enhancement of Imaging Capabilities in the USC Instrumentation Resource Facility Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Price, Robert Acquisition of a JEOL Neoscope Scanning Electron Microscope for the USC Instrumentation Resource Facility Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine, School of
Richardson, Susan Acquisition of Purge-and-Trap-Gas Chromatograph-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer System Chemistry & Biochemistry Arts and Sciences, College of
Viparelli, Enrica A rotating annular flume to perform interdisciplinary research on transport, erosion and resuspension of fine sediment, natural tracers and contaminants Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Computing, College of
Ziolkowski, Lori Acquisition of Equipment Required for Preparing Compound Specific Radiocarbon Samples Earth and Ocean Sciences Arts and Sciences, College of

25 April 2016


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