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Current Students

Student Success is our #1 goal from start to finish!

Just Accepted?

If you have been accepted into the Early College or Dual Enrollment program and have your VIP ID, you can begin your Dual Enrollment Orientation Checklist.

If you have questions or need assistance regarding the items below, please feel free to contact our dual enrollment team at

  • Set up your account. (You will need the VIP ID from your acceptance letter to claim your account).
  • Be sure to save your user name, user id, email and password.
  • Visit the Account Claiming Help Page if you need assistance.
  • Link your UofSC email to your personal email address.
  • If you haven’t already done so, please submit your citizenship ducumentation (SC License, US Passport or birth certificate). YOu may email a copy of one of these documents to: if you were unable to upload your document during the application process.
  1. Know your Network Username and password. Click on "Update Account Settings". Once you're logged in, you will see your Network Username under the Home tab. Your password for your email will be the same as your SSC login.
  2. Know your email address –
  3. To access your email through click here. Login with your email and SSC password. 


  • 50 GB of storage
  • Includes ability to download Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Windows users can also download Access, OneNote and Publisher
  • Spam and malware protection
  • Install Office 365 on up to five computers and five mobile devices
  • Approve your card holder agreement and upload a photo for your student I.D. in your Self Service Carolina account. Watch this tutorial video if you need help. . 
  • After your photo is approved, we will have your ID card sent to your high school where you will be contacted to pick it up. Please allow several days for this process.

Claiming your ID and creating your password is essential for:

  • locating your network username
  • logging on to Blackboard, SSC, USC email, library database, etc

Having access to Blackboard (the digital learning platform for the University of South Carolina) is crucial for academic success in the course.

Your USC email account will be vital for communicating with your professor unless you professor states otherwise.

Which School Calendar to Follow

Always be mindful of important dates such as holidays, exams and Spring Break. Most school districts follow a different academic calendar than the University of South Carolina.

For Dual Enrollment and Early College at your high school: You follow the University of South Carolina calendar for semester start date, semester end date, and final exam period. All calendar dates between the start date and end date of courses revert to the appropriate district calendar for your high school.

For Dual Enrollment and Early College at USC Sumter: You follow the University of South Carolina calendar for semester start date, semester end date (and final exam date), as well all dates between.

The University of South Carolina expects its students to commit to their education by attending class and participating in course activities. In assessing student attendance and participation, the University aims to ensure the highest academic standards while recognizing that events occur beyond the personal control of students or faculty. Different courses demand different approaches to assessing student attendance and participation. Therefore, subject to certain limitations described by the attendance policy, instructors of record are responsible for determining the attendance and participation policies appropriate to their individual courses.


Click here to learn more about the University’s attendance policy.

Enrollment in a course obligates the student not only for prompt completion of all work assigned but also for punctual and regular attendance and for participation in whatever class discussion may occur. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed concerning all assignments made. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, do not absolve the student from this responsibility.

Students’ grades in their courses are determined by class standing and examination grade, combined in such proportion as the professor may decide.

Class standing is determined by the quality of a student’s work and the regularity of attendance in lectures and laboratory sessions or other exercises of the course. 

Most professors use a 10-point scale to determine degree of grade. The grade scale will be located on the syllabus for the course.

The University only assigns letter grades for final grades.  Numerical and letter grades will be provided to each high school at the end of each semester for report cards, GPA and class rank purposes.

Letter Grades are as follows: A, B, C, D represent passing grades in order from highest to lowest. B+, C+, D+ may also be recorded. F represents failing performance.

 W is assigned for student withdrawal from a course before the withdraw deadline. A grade of W is GPA neutral. In other words, it will not enter into the evaluation of suspension conditions or in grade point average computation. However, it will be recorded on a student’s permanent record as hours attempted.

WF is assigned for student withdrawal from a course after the withdraw deadline for the course. The grade of WF is treated as an F in the evaluation of suspension conditions and grade point average computation.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records and affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Any student, even under the age of 18, that enrolls in a college course is legally covered under FERPA.

Under FERPA, only the student has the right to inspect and review their educational records with eth following exceptions:

  • A faculty member, staff member, or school official who has a legitimate educational interest in accessing or reviewing a student’s educational records without the student’s written consent if he or she needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  • A parent or legal guardian if included on a FERPA waiver form.

A FERPA waiver form must contain all names of persons given permission to share any information with must be on their agreement. Without a FERPA waiver form, it is illegal for any faculty or staff of university or high school to discuss any information about that student concerning their college course.


Federal Law requires all universities to provide appropriate ADA accommodations. This certainly pertains to dual enrollment and early college courses. All accommodation requests must be submitted through the Office of Student Disability Resource Center at USC Sumter. The application allows for 504s and IEPs to be uploaded, as well as any required documentation form a medical professional.  


To learn more about the Office of Student Disability Resource Center, click here

For a list of some of the accommodations the university provides, click here

To register with the Office of Student Disability Resource Center, click here