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  • Anderson Library


The Anderson Library is a great place to connect with other students in your classes and study together, do research or share notes.


Anderson Library Catalog

Search the Anderson Library collection and availability.

iCarolina Lab


Other Services

Libraries are valuable resources, and the Anderson Library is no exception. We look forward to meeting your needs while you're here at USC Sumter.

Tutoring Center

Online tutoring now available.

Need help solving math problems? Need a proofreader for a paper? Stop in at the Anderson Library and sign up for an available tutoring session. Tutors are available for the following subjects: English, writing (for all subjects), math, calculus, statistics, chemistry, biology, physics, anatomy, physiology, and Spanish.

Our Mission Statement

The USC Sumter Anderson Library serves all segments of the campus community: students, faculty and staff members, alumni and, often, the general public. The library endeavors to be responsive to students and their instructional needs, to faculty members and their teaching and research requirements and to administrative personnel and their informational needs. Further, the library serves as a bridge between the known and the unknown. It is the repository of, and connection to, all that humankind knows or attempts to discover. The ultimate goal is to collect and promote the use of the known in service of the creation of new knowledge by fostering learning, supporting teaching and stimulating scholarship. It has as its ultimate purpose the stimulation of the use of its resources to encourage thinking and promote still further use of information in the future. The library shares with the faculty the responsibility to create educated persons who, while they cannot know everything, should be able to locate what they need to know to continue their education for a lifetime.