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Swan Lake Iris Gardens

Swan Lake is the only public park in the United States to feature all eight swan species and is also home to one of the nation's most intensive plantins of Japanese iris.

Swan Lake is a unique partnership between professor, student, and local community leaders. That partnership led to the development of two brochures that will assist community members while visiting the local park.


Common Dragonflies of Swan Lake Iris Gardens

There are many species of dragonflies at Swan Lake Iris Gardens. The Swan Lake Dragonfly Brochure, complete with photographs from local nature photographers, helps visitors identify dragonflies based on size, shape, perching style, habitats and many other characteristics.

Download the Swan Lake Dragonfly Brochure [pdf]


Field Guide to the Birds of Swan Lake Iris Gardens

For bird watchers, it can often be difficult to know one bird from another without carrying around a large book. This Bird Guide of Swan Lake Iris Gardens brochure narrows the search to the most common and native birds found at Swan Lake Iris Gardens. (Not all birds at Swan Lake are included, nor are the domesticated fowl such as swans.)

Download the Bird Guide of Swan Lake Iris Gardens brochure [pdf]