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My USC Lancaster

Law Enforcement & Security

Personal safety and security while you are on our campus pursuing academic studies and attending other events is our primary objective. 

The campus historically has a very low crime rate. Crime prevention and awareness is the key to maintaining personal safety and security in any environment. Listed below are several fundamental crime prevention techniques that will insure you against criminal victimization. Law Enforcement services are provided by the Lancaster City Police Department with support from the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department. An officer is often present on campus, and is available 24 hours a day.

In the event that services are needed such as an emergency of any kind or to report possible criminal activity from a campus telephone, call 9-911. Do not try to find the campus officer during an emergency. You will receive a quicker response by calling 9-911. If you are using a cell phone, 911 should work. There are a few problems with some of the out-of-Lancaster cell providers. If you do not connect with Lancaster 911 services you may call 803-283-3313 to directly link with emergency services (law enforcement, fire and EMS ). 

Provided on this page for your benefit are links to several agencies which provide services and/or information. The OPE Campus Security Statistics Reports website provides Clery reporting statistics for our campus. The SC Law Enforcement Division (SLED) website provides crime statistics and registered sex offender data. Also provided is a direct link to our campus Emergency Response Guide and a list of designated Severe Weather Shelters on campus.

See also important information located in the document, Annual Security and Right to Know Report and Campuses Security Act


Crime Prevention Tips

  • Keep personal property within sight and secure. Purses, books and laptops are easy targets for thieves.
  • Lock your car and make sure valuables are out of sight.
  • Protect your logins and passwords. Never share with anyone.
  • If you or any of your friends are stressed out, contact Counseling Services.
  • Make sure when you are on campus as a student, faculty or staff that you have your USCL identification card (Carolina Card) and that you park only in designated areas.