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My USC Lancaster

Student Disability Resource Center

Our office is dedicated to helping students with disabilities reach their academic potential, and we look forward to working with you as you pursue your educational goals.


In order to receive the assistance you may need, Office of Disability Services (ODS) first requires that you self-identify as a student with a disability.  Once you have self-identified and provided our office with the appropriate documentation of your disability, ODS will determine if you qualify to register as a student with a disability.  Upon registration, ODS will then determine if you will receive accommodations for your disability.  Accommodations are approved on a case by case basis, and are governed by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Documentation requirements are specific to the disability, but in general documentation must be from a physician, licensed psychologist, or other person(s) licensed to make the diagnosis.  Guidelines for documentation are provided by ODS, and can be accessed at the link on the left of this page.  These guidelines help determine what accommodations, if any, will be made, and are based on the disability and its impact on your major life functions.  In order to ensure that you obtain the specific documentation required, the Office of Disability Services recommends that you print the online guidelines and present them to the qualified professional providing your documentation. 


The list below provides the information you need to register as a student with a disability. Once you have registered, you will meet with ODS staff to determine your accommodations. ODS requests that you register at least four weeks prior to the first day of class in order to ensure we are able to provide you with the best service possible.

  1. Complete the online USC Lancaster Disability Services Request for Services. Please be as specific as possible when completing the form.
  2. ODS will contact you to schedule an appointment once we have received your online Request for Services. You will bring your documentation to this appointment, and services will be determined based on the documentation you provide. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to provide you with your Accommodations Plan.
  3. ODS will provide you with your Accommodations Plan and discuss the plan with you. You will sign the plan, and your Accommodations Letters will be emailed to your professors before the first day of class.
  4. You will attend classes as scheduled and discuss your accommodations with your professor. You will maintain contact with ODS for test proctoring and other follow-up services.

A Note to Parents

We understand your commitment to your student’s success.  As your student transitions from high school to college, please understand that your presence and engagement in your student’s academic life means helping your student manage his or her responsibilities, needs, and disability.  In most cases, direct parental and family involvement is not necessary, and is only found in cases that seriously threaten the health of the student.  

Waiver to Share Information

Students can sign a waiver in the Admissions for Financial Aid office to share information with parents. However, even if the student has signed this waiver, the office may still only communicate with parents or other parties with the student present.

Disability Scholarship

  1. Complete either
    1. USC Lancaster Application for Academic Scholarship (For Freshmen)
    2.  USC Lancaster Application for Academic Scholarship Continuing
  2. Complete Disability Scholarship Form