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    Clubs and Organizations

    There’s something for everyone at USC Lancaster. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, we’ll help you get it started.

    Baptist Collegiate Ministry

    We exist for college students to grow closer to Jesus and find Christian community. We meet every Monday at 12:15 in Founders Hall room 129 for lunch, a devotion, and fellowship. For any questions, please contact

    Advisor: Cindy Kirk


    Black Excellence

    Black Excellence provides students with a safe space to foster discussion and engage on relevant social and political topics of the moment

    Advisor: Tyrie Rowell 


    Chemistry Club

    We are open to all students who are interested in science and have taken one or more chemistry classes at USC Lancaster. 

    Faculty Sponsors: Fernanda Burke and Bettie Johnson



    Our purpose is to provide mentoring, academic support and higher educational opportunities for young females enrolled at the University of South Carolina Lancaster through the D.E.F.I.N.E. program. The ultimate goal is to enhance academic achievement, improve retention, and promote sisterhood of all women who are working towards a higher education.

    Advisor: CoSonja Allen


    Disability Support Group

    To encourage and support all student with disabilities and special needs in order to ensure the success of their college career.

    Advisor: Amy Hood


    Food Pantry

    If you are struggling to get by and have little money for food, please feel free to stop by the pantry to receive needed food items.

    Faculty Advisor: Susan Cruise


    Film and Media Club

    Open to anyone interested in making friends while watching anime, movies, shows, and more.

    Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Penuel


    Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc.

    Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the oldest and largest national organization for students preparing for careers in business. FBLA-PBL prepares students for “real world” professional experiences. Members gain the competitive edge for college and career successes. More than a quarter of a million students participate in this dynamic leadership organization

    Faculty Advisor: Mike Sherrill


    Gaming Lancers

    Created to unite students through games, fun, and socialization.

    Advisor: Shihyukuo Pangburn



    G.E.N.T.S. stands for Gentleman Engaged in Necessary Training for Success. We hold bi-weekly meetings open to all male students at USC Lancaster to engage in group activities and discussions. 

    Advisor: Matt Williamson


    Kappa Pi Delta: Criminal Justice Student Organization

    We advance scholarship in criminal justice and allied professions. 

    Faculty Advisor: 


    Lancaster Players

    USC Lancaster's theater group.

    Faculty Advisor: Marybeth Berry


    Lancers Against Student Trafficking (LAST)

    The purpose of this organization is to educate students about the dangers of trafficking by media, lecture, and event platforms. Members of LAST will also support law enforcement through events and community service. We want to create a LASTing effect within our community.

    Faculty Advisors: John Rutledge and Jerrod Yarosh


    Lancer Ambassadors

    A Lancer Ambassador is a student chosen to represent USC Lancaster to prospective students and families during the admissions process. Lancer Ambassadors work 30 hours each semester in the Office of Admissions and at recruitment events. Upon successful completion of the program (Fall and Spring semesters) Ambassadors will receive a letter of recommendation, certificate of achievement, and be inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success. 



    Lancers TTRPG

    We are a tabletop role playing game club. Our games are based on Pathfinder© 1st edition and Dungeons and Dragons© but with our own twist, as we play more for fun than the rules in order to help unite students through game and socialization.



    Latin American Student Organization

    Join us in the celebration of all things Hispanic and Latin American Culture!

    Faculty Advisors: Dana Lawrence and Tania Wolochwianski


    Literature Club

    Open to all USCL students, the Literature Club aims to foster a deeper appreciation for written art by reading and discussing selected novels.

    Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Penuel


    Outdoor Recreation Club

    We meet up to enjoy nature. 

    Faculty Advisor: Alan Pangburn


    Peer Advisors at Lancaster (PAL)

    Our group participates in activities like registration and orientation to help others succeed on campus. 


    PRISM Club

    A supportive organization for the LGBTQIA+ communities at USC Lancaster and the surrounding community.

    Faculty Advisors: Rebecca Freeman and Claudia Priest


    Psychology Club & Psi Beta

    We help you become familiar with careers in the psychology field and help you find work opportunities on and off campus.

    Faculty Advisor: Kate Holland


    Research Club

    Designed to increase the overall student understanding and contribution to undergraduate research at USCL and the Graduation with Leadership Distinction program, specifically in the research pathway. 


    Rotaract Club

    To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote understanding and goodwill toward all people.

    Faculty Advisor: Phillip Parker 


    Student Government Association (SGA)

    We provide programs and functions throughout the year and administrator budgets for student activities. 


    Student Nurses Association

    he purpose of the Student Nurses Association is to aid in the preparation of student nurses for the assumption of professional responsibilities, to encourage participation in programs, lectures, and workshops that will increase nursing knowledge base, encourage nursing students in their studies, and to engage in community service.

    Faculty Advisor: Courtney Catledge


    The Music Variety Club

    The Music Variety Club is open to students interested in music. You can suggest your favorite tunes and jam out with other cool club members, all while also playing games, doing arts & crafts, puzzles, and other fun activities!

    Faculty Advisor: Suzanne Penuel


    The National Society of Leadership and Success

    The NSLS is the Nation’s largest honor society! The USC Palmetto College Chapter is one of 728 chapters, with over 1.4 million members nationwide. 



    Veterans Group

    Open to all USCL Veterans and Military Students.

    Advisors: John Rutledge and Ken Cole