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Active vs. Inactive Clubs/Orgs

Clubs and organizations remain active and in good standing as determined solely by the USCL Student Life Office.  Clubs and organizations may fall out of good standing for the following reasons:

  • Failure to complete officer elections and fill vacant officer positions.
  • Failure to appoint a staff or faculty advisor in a timely manner.
  • Failure to maintain and update entry on the USCL Clubs and Organizations page. (link to page)

A club or organization may also fall out of good standing if it is found that any form of discrimination, harassment, collusion, hazing, or other behavior unbecoming to USC-Lancaster or the USC System is proven.

Inactive clubs and organizations will not:

  • Receive annual funding from the USCL Student Life budget.
  • Be invited to participate in on-campus events.
  • Be featured in official USCL promotions of Student Life.
  • Be allowed to advertise and recruit at or on USCL campus facilities.


If you have any questions about a club or organization’s status that is not addressed above, please contact the USCL Student Life office directly:


Starr Hall 106