Faculty and Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone | |
Aghasafari, Sahar, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Art and Graphic Design | 803-313-7045 | s.aghasafari@sc.edu |
Alhaddad, Shemsi, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | 803-313-7446 | alhaddad@mailbox.sc.edu |
Allen, CoSonja | Administrative Coordinator | 803-313-7125 | cdallen@mailbox.sc.edu |
Ammons, Mark | Associate Director | 803-313-7461 | rmammons@email.sc.edu |
Austell, Connor, DMA | Assistant Professor of Music | 803-313-7154 | caustell@mailbox.sc.edu |
Berry, Marybeth Lee, M.F.A | Associate Professor | 803-313-7017 | berrymbl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Blackmon, Albert | Adjunct Instructor for Business | 803-313-7089 | albert.blackmon@sc.edu |
Bohonak, Noni, Ph.D. | Professor Emerita | 803-313-7136 | nbohonak@mailbox.sc.edu |
Boykin, Eddie | Upward Bound Program Interim Project Coordinator | 803-313-7188 | ecboykin@mailbox.sc.edu |
Brooks, Laverne | Assistant Registrar | 803-313-7176 | laverneb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Broughton, Zachary | Staff Librarian | 803-313-7128 | broughtz@email.sc.edu |
Brown, Dwayne C., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Mathematics | 803-313-7037 | dwayneb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Bundrick, Christopher | Professor of English | 803-313-7043 | bundrick@sc.edu |
Burke, Fernanda, Ph.D. | Division Chair of Math, Science, Nursing, and Public Health | 803-313-7463 | burkefm@mailbox.sc.edu |
Byrd, Zoe | Academic Advisor | 803-313-7131 | zmbyrd@email.sc.edu |
Cai, Li, Ph.D. | Professor of Chemistry | 803-313-7026 | caili@mailbox.sc.edu |
Calhoun, Natalie | Student-Athlete Success Coordinator | 412-303-5356 | ncalhoun2@sc.edu |
Calhoun, Nick | Athletics Director | 803-313-7094 | calhoun1@mailbox.sc.edu |
Campbell, Andrea | Opportunity Scholars Program Project Coordinator | 803-313-7590 | acampbell@sc.edu |
Campbell, Steven | Full Professor (Political Science) | 803-313-7137 | stcamp@sc.edu |
Castiglia, Jill | Senior Instructor | 803-313-7032 | castigli@mailbox.sc.edu |
Catledge, Courtney, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC | Regional Campus Interim Dean | 803-313-7001 | catledge@email.sc.edu |
Catoe, Megan | USC Lancaster Campus Registrar | 803-313-7073 | mmcatoe@mailbox.sc.edu |
Coe, Mark | Associate Professor of Psychology | 803-313-7057 | coemarks@mailbox.sc.edu |
Cole, Kenneth | Director of Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs | 803-313-7068 | usclfa@mailbox.sc.edu |
Showing 1 to 25 of 124 entries