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Our campus has a strong focus on academic achievement along with leadership. We offer scholarships to help draw some of the finest academically prepared student leaders the region has to offer.

How To Apply 

Scholarship applications for the Lancer Scholarships, Freshman Scholarships, and Continuing and Transfer Scholarships are completed online.  The Thelathia Bailey Emergency Textbook Scholarships and certain Palmetto College Scholarships have their own applications, and a link is provided below.

When you apply for scholarships, you'll automatically be considered for all available scholarships you're eligible for.


Important Deadlines

Students should file the USC Scholarship Application by the following deadlines.

Deadline Scholarship Who Qualifies
Nov. 1 Lancer Scholarships Freshmen with a 4.00+ High School GPA on the SC Uniform Grading Scale
Feb. 1 Other Freshman Scholarships Freshmen with a 3.00+ High School GPA on the SC Uniform Grading Scale
Mar. 15 Continuing & Transfer Student Scholarships Upper Classmen with a 3.00+ USC GPA on the SC Uniform Grading Scale. Continuing Scholarships are for one year only.
Aug. 1 Late Scholarship Application Deadline Freshmen and Upper Classmen who submit applications after the above deadlines will be considered if funding is available and if they meet the minimum eligibility requirements. Awards will be limited to $750.00 per academic year. Decisions will be made starting in June, when final grades are available for the prior academic year. Late Scholarships are for one year only.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions


 General Information

The Lancer Scholars  is our premier scholarship. 
Freshman applicants who have at least a 4.0 high school GPA are eligible for Lancer scholarships.  Applications must be received by November 1st.  
South Carolina Residents who receive the LIFE Scholarship and the Lancer Scholarship usually have full tuition, fees, books and supplies covered. 
Out-of-State students who receive the Lancer Scholarship will also be granted the Scholarship Tuition and Fee Rate (currently equivalent to the In-State Rate).
Applicants for the Lancer Scholarship who are not awarded will be still be considered for other USCL Academic Scholarships.
There are a limited number awarded each year. Award notifications are usually sent in January.

Incoming Freshmen awarded scholarships who graduate as Valedictorian or Salutatorian of their High School should notify the Scholarship Office.

Valedictorians, with at least a 3.0 GPA, will have their scholarship award increased to a minimum of $3000 (if not already at least that amount).*

Salutatorians, with at least a 3.0 GPA, will have their scholarship award increased to a minimum of $2000  (if not already at least that amount).*

These students must have already applied for USCL Scholarships and must meet the eligibility criteria.

*As funding becomes available (the later we are notified the less likely additional funds will be available to increase the award)

Incoming Freshmen awarded scholarships who graduated from Boys State or Girls State should notify the Scholarship Office. 

Graduates of Boys State and Girls State, with at least a 3.0 GPA, will have their scholarship award increased to a minimum of $1000 (if not already at least that amount).*

These students must have already applied for USCL Scholarships and must meet the eligibility criteria.

*As funding becomes available (the later we are notified the less likely additional funds will be available to increase the award)

Students who did not apply in time for the Lancer Scholarship or who did apply but weren’t awarded the premier scholarship, will be considered for all other USCL Academic Scholarships.
Freshman applicants who have at least a 3.00 high school GPA are eligible for Lancer scholarships.  Applications must be received by February 1st.  
There are a limited number awarded each year.  Awards notifications are usually sent in April.

Upper Classmen (continuing and transfer students) who wish to apply for USCL Academic Scholarships can do so. 
Applicants who have at least a 3.00 GPA (USC GPA for Continuing Students or Collegiate GPA for Transfer Students) are eligible for scholarships. 
Applications must be received by March 15th.  There are a limited number awarded each year.  Awards are made following the posting of Spring semester grades. 
Award Notifications are usually sent in June.
Continuing Scholarships are for one year only.

Some Scholarships allow awarding beyond the 2 year degree programs offered by USCL.  Students entering a Palmetto College Degree Program and students admitted into the Upper Division of the BSN program from USC Lancaster may apply for these scholarships using the same application process. Awards will be made from the specific scholarships designated for these programs.  There are also some scholarships specifically designated to ONLY Palmetto College students.  A list of those scholarships and the link to apply can be found here:

Palmetto College Scholarships

Students may also still apply for scholarships at the campus they are admitted to for the Upper Division of their program.  Please note that Upper Divisions of The Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies and the Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership are USC Lancaster programs.  The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Upper Division is a  USC Columbia program.

Students who apply after the established deadlines shall be considered for scholarships if funding is available after the awarding of all on-time applicants, and only if the applicant meets the minimum eligibility requirements.
Awards for late applications will be no more than $750.00 per academic year.  Applications must be received by August 1st.   Award Notifications are sent after Spring grades are posted and only as awards are made.
Late Scholarships are for one year only.

This scholarship is available each semester for students who cannot afford their books for unusual or unforeseen financial difficulties.  The application must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office before the end of the Drop/Add period (the last date the student can add or drop a class without a “W”).  The award is limited to up to $300.  Decisions are made by a committee, usually within 1 or 2 business days of the application being received.  Award Notifications are sent by e-mail as awards are made.  Funding is limited and students may only apply for the scholarship once during their academic career at USCL.  If a student wishes to submit an application after the deadline they must obtain the signature of a professor indicating they are recommending the student for the scholarship.  The application can be found here:

Thelathia Bailey Emergency Textbook Scholarship Application

While USCL does a lot of scholarships many of our student receive scholarships from outside agencies. Information about how to apply for these other scholarships under "Non-Institutional Scholarships" and "Non-Institutional Scholarship Databases and Search Engines".  For your convenience, below is a short list of useful links:

Students must accept their scholarship award(s) in the Financial Aid section Self Service Carolina. 

Our donors are important to us, because they help us bring  top students to our campus. If you receive a scholarship, you're expected notify the donor in writing of your appreciation for the scholarship and to attend the scholarship luncheon where you may be able to meet and thank scholarship donors in person.

Students must be full-time to receive scholarships and as such are expected to enroll in at least 12 credit hours every semester they are receiving the scholarship.  Recipients must usually must maintain a "B" average (3.0 USC GPA) to continue receiving the award for the next year. A few scholarships allow a student to continue receiving them in a Palmetto College Degree Program, or in BSN or certain other programs offered at other USC Colleges.  Students changing campuses into one of these programs should notify the Scholarship Office to find out if their scholarship can be transferred. 

Scholarship recipients are chosen by the Student Scholarships and Special Awards Committee on the basis of high school record, GPA, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or ACT scores, a committee interview, and other qualifications as established by the selection committee. Successful applicants are usually in the top 10 percent of their high school class, score 1100 or more on the SAT (or 24 on the ACT), or meet other designated criteria as determined by scholarship guidelines.  The Committee makes decisions on Lancer Scholarships in January, and Freshman Continuing and Transfer Scholarships in April.  Once the committee makes awards applicants are notified by letter if they are awarded and how much they are awarded.

Scholarship administration is managed by our Academic Scholarship Coordinator

Ashley Stevenson
Financial Aid Counselor/Scholarship Coordinator
803-313-7068 Fax: 803-313-7168

Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs
University of South Carolina Lancaster
476 Hubbard Drive, Starr Hall 127
[PO Box 889] Lancaster, SC 29720

Scholarship administration is managed by our Academic Scholarship Coordinator.

We're thankful for every contribution that allows us to bring more to our students and to the community.
Please go to the Advancement Office Website for more information.