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Office of the Vice President for Research

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Weekly Research Update: Thursday, January 18, 2024

College of Engineering and Computing makes advances in batteries and aerospace technology

The latest video from Inside Carolina takes a deep-dive into Dr. Bill Mustain’s engineering research in batteries, and Dr. Sang Hee Won’s research at the head of USC’s aerospace engineering program; this innovative research is pushing initiatives like SC Nexus towards helping the region create opportunities for sustainable energy and economic growth. Read more about how this work affects SC Nexus here.


Faculty: Encourage your undergraduate students to apply for grant funding

Now is the time for undergraduates and mentors to review available grants to determine eligibility. Application deadlines for grant funding through the Office of Undergraduate Research are coming up in February. Magellan Scholar proposals are due in USCeRA by Wednesday, February 7, at 5:00 p.m.  Magellan Mini-Grant applications, and several others connected to Living-Learning Communities, are due by February 13 at 5:00 p.m. Encourage your mentees and students to contact OUR to discuss eligibility and application questions: or 803-777-1141. 


Join us for the Second Annual Research Core Fair 

The University of South Carolina is hosting a Research Core Fair on Friday, March 15, 2024, to spotlight the wealth of resources at the University that are available to researchers. The Research Core Fair is open to all USC students, faculty and staff. There will be four sessions featuring short talks which will detail capabilities of cores in the following areas: life sciences, chemistry, engineering and aerospace and earth, ocean and environment. We encourage USC graduate and professional students, Principal Investigators, and those from other institutions who are interested in learning more about the USC Research Cores should register for the fair by March 8, 2024. Students and postdocs who wish to present a poster at the fair should submit their abstract by Friday, March 1, 2024.


University Libraries Digital Research Services Workshops

Digital Research Services at University Libraries is pleased to offer workshops on topics such as data visualization, text analysis, and digital projects for members of the University of South Carolina community. Many are open to faculty, staff, and students at all USC campuses. To find out more and register, click here.


 18 January 2024

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.