Check out the new NSF Public Access Plan
The NSF has issued the much-anticipated new public access plan for NSF-funded research, called the “Public Access Plan 2.0.” The new document addresses new requirements for access to publications and research data, researcher responsibilities regarding research data, and research integrity. Essentially, this update to NSF policies responds to the direction provided by the Office of Science and Technology August 2022 memo (pdf). USC researchers with questions about the new plan and how it affects their own research data, are encouraged to reach out to Stacy Winchester, Research Data Librarian with University Libraries.
Propel Research Mentorship Program now accepting applications
The Propel Research Mentorship Program offers in-depth workshops, mentoring and other support throughout the academic year to give new and early-career faculty members an edge as they develop and finalize a grant proposal for submission to the NIH or NSF at the end of the program term. Participants in the program have reported feeling significantly more ready to prepare and submit federal grant proposals, making great connections with their assigned mentors and fellow mentees, and receiving useful feedback and suggestions that helped them sharpen their research plans and proposal writing. Propel applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are due by Friday, August 4. Complete application details are available on the Office of the Vice President for Research website.
13 July 2023