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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Office of the VPR awards 2023 Excel grants

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to announce the results of the Excel Funding Program for Liberal Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Initiated in fall 2022, Excel offers funding for areas of research that have more limited funding opportunities than traditional scientific fields. The Office of Research, in partnership with the offices of the President and the Provost, awarded 35 researchers Track I individual grants, and 7 groups Track II collaborative grants. Recipients of Track I Individual Grants will receive awards of up to $15,000 and recipients of Track II Collaborative Grants, up to $25,000.


Last Chance: 2023 ASPIRE deadline is today

Applications for Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence (ASPIRE) 2023 funding are due today, Thursday, February 16, by 5:00 p.m. ASPIRE funds meritorious research projects across disciplines to support research by USC faculty at all levels, across all campuses. For the 2023 funding cycle, ASPIRE will emphasize support for early-career faculty who intend to pursue subsequent extramural funding. For complete details, please check out the ASPIRE program page on the Office of the VPR website.


Register Today: Discover USC 2023, coming up on Friday, April 21

Discover USC, hosted by the Office of the Vice President for Research, showcases research, scholarship, leadership and creative projects by undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and medical scholars representing the entire USC System. Registration is now open for presenters, volunteers and reviewers, with sign up deadlines in March. We encourage everyone across the USC system to get involved with Discover USC and be a part of the biggest research event at the university!


Researchers at USC: Sign up for ResearchMatch

The Office of the Vice President for Research is excited to announce USC’s new partnership with ResearchMatch. ResearchMatch brings together people who are trying to find research studies and researchers who are looking for people to participate in their health-related studies. The program makes it easy for researchers to connect with volunteers and further their research projects. USC faculty/researchers from all campuses, including both School of Medicine campuses, are eligible to use ResearchMatch for recruitment of volunteers. Visit the ResearchMatch website to find more information and register for the service.


Register now for University Libraries research workshops

Each semester, University Libraries hosts a variety of workshops for members of the USC community on research-related topics, including research data management, digital publishing and text analysis. Over the next week, University Libraries will host three workshops: Introduction to Open Science Framework, Introduction to ICPSR and the Graduate Student Research Toolbox. The workshops will take place virtually and the event URL for each workshop will be sent via registration confirmation email. Visit the University Libraries workshops page to learn more and sign up for these exciting workshops.


Join the NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) is hosting another 14-Day Writing Challenge to help researchers jumpstart their writing or other scholarly project in just 30 minutes per weekday, over two weeks from February 20 to March 5, 2023. Through the program, participants will time and track their daily, 30-minute writing sessions using the NCFDD’s WriteNow software platform, enjoy group accountability and camaraderie, be grouped with other participants to share comments and encouragement with a like-minded community of writers, interact with the entire writing challenge community through a dedicated chat room, receive optional daily emails with writing tips, motivational concepts and additional resources and interact with an AI comment bot to get a daily shot of motivation when they need it most. Register and learn more on the NCFDD’s Writing Challenge program website.


Researchers and Research Administrators: Join specialized Office of Research email listservs

Want to be updated on all things research-related as they happen? Join a listserv offered by the Office of the Vice President of Research. With two options—the RESDEV listserv for researchers and the GRANT listserv for research administrators—these are the Office of Research’s primary communication tool to connect with our research community. Members of both listservs receive important emails regarding research developments, resources, opportunities and more, tailored to their unique role in our community. Visit the Office of Research and Grant Development website to sign up today.


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