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Office of the Vice President for Research

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Weekly Research Update: Thursday, September 22, 2022

AI: Game Changer or Game Over?

Don’t Forget! Artificial Intelligence: Game Changer or Game Over? is coming up in just TWO WEEKS.

Read more about this fascinating and timely discussion on the ethical and societal implications of AI technology at


Introducing the Research Institutes Funding Program: Pre-applications due November 15

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to partner with the Office of the President to offer the new Research Institutes Funding Program (RIFP). The RIFP aims to invest an unprecedented $10 million in five promising new collaborative research institutes. Tenured or tenure-track faculty working at USC Columbia or the schools of medicine in Columbia or Greenville may apply for RIFP funding of up to $500,000 per year for up to four years. Eligible faculty may submit a pre-application by Tuesday, November 15 at 5:00 p.m. Complete details, including the request for proposals, which explains the complete application process, are available on the RIFP program page.


Can’t-miss event: Apply for the highly anticipated virtual PCORI grant workshop

The Office of the Vice President for Research will sponsor a workshop to answer faculty questions about navigating a submission to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The virtual PCORI workshop will be offered at noon on Wednesday, October 19. Based on survey responses collected over several months, PCORI is among the top four federal funding agencies that faculty have expressed interest in learning more about, so please don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity. During the session USC faculty who have received PCORI funding will share their insights about this unique funder. We encourage interested faculty to register here. The Office of the VPR will host more workshops in the coming months, so please use this form to submit your preferences of agencies to highlight during this series.


New Memo Ensures Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a new memo on Thursday, August 25: Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research. The memo removes the 12-month embargo on federally funded research to allow for its immediate, free and public release. This is especially important for faculty, as this means your data and research will be immediately and publicly available once it is published. The guidelines outlined in the memo encourage federal agencies to update their policies as soon as possible, with a final deadline of Wednesday, December 31, 2025. These guidelines will help agencies establish transparent procedures and ensure equitable delivery of all federally funded research and data. Read more about the new policy.


Faculty: Encourage your undergraduate students to apply for Magellan Scholar

The Office of Undergraduate Research is now accepting Magellan Scholar grant applications. Magellan Scholar proposals are due in USCeRA by Wednesday, October 19, at 5:00 p.m. This program is open to all UofSC undergrads studying all disciplines on all campuses with minimum institutional GPA of 3.300. Magellan Scholars receive up to $3,000 to help fund a faculty-mentored research project. Students compete for this award by submitting a research, scholarship or creative project proposal. Students are required to review the application video prior to preparing the project description. For more information and to register for access to the application video, please see the Magellan Scholar web page. Please contact the OUR with questions at or 803-777-1141.


The Office of the VP for Research is recruiting reviewers for internal programs

The Office of the Vice President for Research offers a comprehensive slate of internal funding and award programs for faculty, students and postdoctoral scholars. These annual programs provide recognition of outstanding work and unique opportunities for researchers at every level to take on scholarly projects that might be hard to fund through other methods. To keep these programs strong and successful, the Office of the Vice President for Research looks to faculty members throughout the USC System to serve as reviewers on the committees that guide selection of award and/or funding recipients. Interested faculty members are encouraged to sign up to serve on a review committee.


22 September 2022

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.