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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of library books with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, June 2, 2022

New Details: Free 14-day writing challenge program June 20 through July 3

The Office of the Vice President for Research is pleased to share new details on the upcoming 14-Day Summer Writing Challenge offered by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Join the Summer 14-Day Writing Challenge and see how group accountability, tracking writing time and engaging in daily writing can improve overall productivity. The NCFDD Summer Writing Challenge is free for all UofSC faculty (and staff) with our institutional NCFDD membership sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Register by Wednesday, June 15 to join in this productive summer writing challenge program.


Starting Next Week: Summer workshop series for undergraduate researchers

Beginning Wednesday, June 8, the Office of Undergraduate Research will host a series of professional development workshops for undergraduate students conducting research at UofSC over the summer. We invite all interested student researchers to participate in these workshops on Wednesday afternoons, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m., in the Jones Physical Sciences Center, Room 104. Workshop topics and additional details are available on the Office of the Vice President for Research website.


Update: NIH continues with planning for new Data Management and Sharing Policy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking comments on a new resource documenting best practices for developing informed consent materials to facilitate data/biospecimen storage for future use. This new resource is being developed as part of the NIH’s plan to implement a new Data Management and Sharing Policy in 2023. Read more about the new resource, and the upcoming policy implementation on the NIH Extramural Nexus blog. And, keep your eyes on the Weekly Research Update for information about a University Libraries virtual session coming up this fall to provide information on the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.


2 June 2022

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.