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Office of the Vice President for Research

Office of the Vice President for Research celebrates excellence at spring award events

Each spring, the Office of the Vice President for Research carries out the very pleasant duty of honoring some of the university’s excellent researchers and research support staff with several annual awards:

  • Breakthrough Awards: The Office of the Vice President for Research’s signature research program, made up of three distinct honors: the Breakthrough Leadership in Research Award for highly accomplished senior faculty, the Breakthrough Star Award for outstanding early-career faculty members and the Breakthrough Graduate Scholar Award honoring promising graduate-student researchers.
  • Exceptional Research Service Awards: The College/Department Research Administration Staff Award for excellent research administrators working inside of academic units at the college or department level, the Central Service Unit Research Administration Staff Award for outstanding research administrators working in the university’s central support offices and the Technical Staff Award for exceptional technical research staff who directly support researchers’ hands-on work.
  • Distinguished Research Service Awards: These awards honor faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to UofSC’s research community through consistent service as reviewers Office of Research internal funding and awards programs.
  • Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards: These awards celebrate faculty members who have dedicated extensive time and energy to guiding undergraduate students through the research process, from developing a new project to teaching research methods and skills to providing the support needed for the student to see their project through. 


Photo Gallery: Saying farewell to OUR Director Julie Morris

Julie Morris, the founding director of the University of South Carolina Office of Undergraduate Research, retired from her position this spring. Friends and colleagues from across the university, including executive leadership, faculty, staff and students, were on hand to honor her exceptional career at a retirement reception in May.

Julie founded the Office of Undergraduate Research in 2004 and has served as the unit’s director for 18 years. Though she is departing from the role, Ms. Morris’ legacy will remain strong as long as the Office of Undergraduate Research inspires UofSC students in every discipline to ask big questions and find new answers.

Read more about the OUR

13 May 2022

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.