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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, January 27, 2022

Faculty and students: Join the CEC for a seminar with Office of Naval Research Chief Rear Admiral Lorin Selby

Next Wednesday, February 2, the College of Engineering and Computing will host a seminar presented by Rear Admiral Lorin Selby. RADM Selby leads the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Navy’s premier Science and Technology development organization. ONR’s mission is to plan, foster and encourage scientific research to maintain future naval power and preserve national security. As the Chief of Naval Research, RADM Selby feels an urgent drive to implement change. The 2020s will have a special significance for our nation and our role in leading the world. Part of that role is having naval forces that are the deterrent to prevent major conflict in a time of great power competitions. RADM Selby will share his vision for reimagined naval forces and show how government, industry, and academia all have a role in bringing about this new paradigm. RADM Selby will also discuss his idea of a strategic hedge, which suggests that while our existing force structure is relevant and likely victorious in great power conflict, decades of naval debate over the past 30 years confirm that we need a backup plan. His mission to reimagine naval power is not only about where technology can take the U.S. Navy in 25 years, but also the need to deploy new capabilities at scale within the next several years. The seminar is scheduled for Wednesday, February 2, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., in the M. Bert Storey Innovation Center (corner of Blossom and Assembly), room 2277. Refreshments will be served and RADM Selby’s seminar will be followed by a Q&A session.


Nominate your colleagues today: Exceptional Research Service Awards

The Office of The Vice President for Research is now accepting nominations for a new research awards program, the Exceptional Research Service Awards. This program, consisting of three distinct honors, is designed to recognize outstanding research support staff who provide top-notch service to UofSC’s faculty and student researchers every day. With award categories for research administrators and technical research staff, the Exceptional Research Service Awards will provide recognition and an honorarium of $500 for deserving professionals. View the call for nominations for award details, qualifications and nomination instructions. Nominations are due by Friday, February 11, 2022.


Register today: National Endowment for the Humanities funding opportunities workshop

Please join Hannah Alpert-Abrams of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) on Friday, February 4, at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom to learn about NEH’s Digital Humanities funding opportunities. The NEH offers a wide variety of funding opportunities for digital scholarship, from the digitization of archival collections to the development of DH infrastructure, methods and curricula, and investigations into the impact of digital technologies on culture and society. This event will help potential applicants navigate these funding opportunities and provide insight into the agency’s peer review process. Registration is open to all, and we highly encourage those that are looking to support existing projects or are in the beginning stages of planning a project to attend. Contact Kate Boyd at to access the zoom url or click the registration link above. Thanks to the Humanities Collaborative and University Libraries for sponsoring this event.


New NSF report highlights challenges and opportunities for science and engineering in the United States

The National Science Foundation recently released a new report, The State of U.S. Science and Engineering in 2022. This report highlights challenges that the American science and technology community faces in the coming year, along with areas of opportunity. One strong theme in the report involves America’s position as the top country in the world for research and development, providing just over a quarter of global research and development in 2019, according to the report. With nations in Asia gaining ground in global R&D and other relevant indicators, the report suggests ways the U.S. can enhance our competitiveness, such as improving U.S. STEM education at all levels and continuing to increase federal investments in research.


Discover UofSC 2022 registration will open on Monday, January 31

Discover UofSC is back in person for 2022. Organizers are so pleased to welcome the University of South Carolina research community to the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and the Pastides Alumni Center for Discover UofSC on Friday, April 22, 2022. Read more about plans for this spring showcase event, and register to participate beginning on Monday, January 31.


27 January 2022

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.