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Office of the Vice President for Research

  • Image of research equipment with newsletter title and subhead in white text. The white text reads "Weekly Research Update: News and resources from the Office of the Vice President for Research."

Weekly Research Update: Thursday, April 1, 2021

NIH reports on results of their 2020 COVID-19 impacts survey of the extramural scientific workforce

In October 2020, we shared information on a pair of National Institutes of Health (NIH) surveys—one assessing the perspective of individual research administration leaders at extramural institutions and the other to assess the perspective of the researchers themselves. The NIH recently published the results of this survey, which found that impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic were felt differently by different groups of researchers. Read more about the survey results and NIH plans to focus on evidence-based actions to foster inclusive excellence within the scientific workforce, to better support the health of our entire population.


House Science Committee members introduce NSF for the Future Act

Bipartisan members of the Science Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a new bill called the National Science Foundation for the Future Act earlier this month. If signed into law, this bill would more than double the NSF’s overall budget from the current $8.5 billion to $18.3 billion in 2026. In addition to growing the agency’s existing seven research and education directorates, the bill would create an eighth, called Science and Engineering Solutions (SES). Its budget would start at $1 billion in 2022 and grow to $5 billion by 2026. Read more about the NSF for the Future Act in Science magazine.


1 April 2021

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